
Why Do We Crave Certain Foods?

New Creations Ministries

It’s a mystery isn’t it? Going from fridge to cabinet to pantry knowing you are hungry but not knowing what you’re hungry for?

Hunger is an umbrella whose spokes branch out in different directions. Sometimes it’s not a food you’re even seeking. Rather it could be comfort, security, to soothe loneliness or a need for increased mental focus.

Occasionally your body simply desires water which is found in all foods and it’s not hunger pangs at all. So drink a glass and see if that helps. If not, ask yourself, “Am I really hungry or is it simply a feeling that needs addressing?”

By understanding the reason why behind the loss of control, you’ll recognize the urge when it occurs again.

Certain food cravings have hidden meanings. One should be aware of personal trigger mechanisms. Always ask yourself, what happened just before I craved this type of food and lost control?

Creamy foods like mac and…

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Getting Your Diet Mojo Back Permanently

It’s now the start of the “Diet-Season” when millions enthusiastically begin a diet on January 2nd and . . . usually fall off that bandwagon three weeks later. Why?

Failing on a diet plan is usually not because we don’t know what we should do. Most realize we:  1. eat less 2. exercise more 3. slow down and 4. drink water, etc., etc. . . . Yet we fail time and time again, even when we believe we are doing the right thing! That’s frustrating and self-defeating.

Weight loss is much more than mere willpower. There is no magic formula. Since we are each uniquely created, it’s primarily an individually mental, physiological, and spiritual challenge. It’s also a matter of understanding the scientific reasons behind the “why” we can self-destruct.

My book, “Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese . . .” will make the perfect motivational New Year’s gift this year. It’s available for only $4.99 on

It’s not simply another diet book. With over 241 pages of practical lifestyle applications, it encourages a brand new mental, physiological and spiritual approach to becoming a New Creation:

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!”  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

“Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese” (Nutritional & Life Lessons God Teaches Us) addresses such topics as:

  1. Strive for excellence, not perfection
  2. Why losing weight isn’t simply a matter of willpower!
  3. Why sometimes a cookie isn’t “just a cookie”
  4. Why dieting is like the Westminster Dog Show
  5. Why you can’t outsmart a fat cell
  6. Why physiologically, fad diets never work
  7. The secrets to weight loss success and so much more!

Truth is, God never meant for us to live on complicated, fallacy-laden, restrictive diet plans which clearly reject our Maker’s fundamental psychological, physiological and spiritual wishes.

Healthy living is not adhering to a “penance principle” of restriction and suffering.  God set Adam in a Garden for a reason and provided the perfect Master Plan for health. Yet people needlessly consume “magic” formulas: “sticks and twigs,” processed packaged foods, drink tasteless protein shakes, or restrict their diet needlessly.

Why? There is no need to deny oneself chocolate, cheese, eggs, potatoes, bananas, shrimp, or any other food while consuming only rice cakes and celery. Avoidance and flagellation will not get one closer to God unless he enjoys living as a monk!

God gave us the perfect dietary plan in Genesis 1:29 and 9:3. He also instilled us with common sense. I address the fact that we’ve each been formed uniquely with a different chemical make-up. There is no one-size-fits-all diet plan but there are physiological truths we should live by!

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Discover true vitality through a sensible everyday eating plan, honoring God in the process!

“Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese” is filled with realistic illustrations and practical, common-sense applications. If you concentrate on nutrients, you will naturally be healthier because your body will crave healthier choices while resisting uncontrollable cravings. But how does one do that??? I explain how and it’s not by suffering.

I urge you to read this book to discover how you can become stronger, develop strategies, and routinely overcome temptation, becoming confident as a New Creation!

Living Under Dietary Bondage

Worth repeating!

New Creations Ministries

The law is bondage. The law is restrictive and confining, so how can one live perfectly within it?  The answer is, we can’t. There is no one who lives perfectly except Christ  We all are guilty under the law.

“as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;” Romans 3:10

police car behind

It can either be scary or comforting to live under laws. On one hand we can be assured that if needed, police officers would be at our assistance, even risking their own safety for us.

However, have you ever driven down the street and all of a sudden found a police car following you? Innocent or guilty, what’s the first thing we do but check our speed limit, right? Were we driving above the law? Do we go through a quick mental check list and ask ourselves whether we came to a complete stop at that street corner or possibly driven through a red light?…

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Football, Dr. Oz and Breakfast as a Team Sport

Super Bowl Sunday’s coming and both have strong teams. Your body’s a strong team too.

Imagine a football quarterback as the body of the “NUTRIENT” team. In order to win effectively, his metabolism needs a nutrient-dense offensive line. Without one, he has no defense against illness.

Now imagine in front of him are ten players, each representing unique nutritional functions: the center, (B’s) running back (D), tight end (C), corner back (magnesium) fullback (calcium) and wide receiver {omega 3s.) Other nutrients are on the bench ready to participate as needed.

If the team consisted of only fullbacks, how well would the team work? Not efficiently at all. Similarly, a diet consisting of fruit alone would prevent the body from absorbing over 50 vital nutrients for optimum health. We need nutrient variety as much as a football team needs various players to win.

Vitamins are utilized and dispersed through FOOD. B vitamins convert food into energy. Fat soluble vitamins need fat to be absorbed. No food in your stomach – no energy. No chewing, no enzymes either. Without enzymes, one cannot walk, talk, think or move!

Dr. Oz held more interviews January 22, again claiming, “We don’t need breakfast!”  Who’s we? I need breakfast.

“Eating breakfast isn’t based on any medicine,” he insisted.  Of course not, doctor – it’s not medicine, it’s based on physiology.

He insisted breakfast is simply “marketing hype.” Some advertisements ARE to blame for unhealthy children. I too wish children weren’t feed Sugar Smacks but consuming a healthy breakfast is important for physiological reasons. Any teacher who sees hyperactive children arriving or her student’s blood sugar slumping mid-morning will attest to that.

“Our ancestors didn’t eat right away, they had to hunt and gather.” Our ancestors??? Maybe Dr. Oz’s came from cavemen. Mine were created by God. Adam and Eve were created perfectly . Originally farmers, they probably ate grains and fruit for breakfast. (Naturally I’m not dogmatic about this because I wasn’t around then. We’ll find out in Heaven.)

It’s personal choice to eat or not eat immediately. Listen to your body. I usually wake up with coffee, eating about hour or later. No need to eat breakfast immediately, eat small meals but make them nutritious, not caloric.

Our body utilizes calories for energy – any food produces energy. But a calorie isn’t a calorie: donuts are empty calories, a banana is packed with B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, fiber, etc.

Simply cutting calories for weight loss won’t make us healthy. Every nutrient has an individual purpose. Without nutrients, it takes a toll on bodily functions.

When I worked in an office, sometimes I didn’t eat breakfast. However, around 10am, starving, I reached for the first thing I found in the break room for ENERGY: donuts or coffee cake. It takes Herculean effort to resist when hungry. By eating breakfast, it never tempted me. After awhile, I usually brought a healthy snack with me.

Dr. Oz thought everyone should eat brunch instead. Brunch??? How is that going to help the teacher, nurse, factory worker or myriad of others who can’t tell their boss, “Excuse me, I’ve got to eat brunch now.” You’ll have plenty of time to eat in the unemployment line.

“Listen to your body,” Dr. Oz suggests. I’ve said that from day one. But I also advised my patients to use common sense. Dr. Oz logic comes from viewing food as calories – I’m viewing food as nutrients.

Eat to have a healthy system filled with nutrients rather than simply food. Amen!

“Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.”  (Psalm 119:66)

Dr. Oz Says “Skip Breakfast!” Should We?

In a video-taped interview this week with Fox News, Dr. Oz admits that doctors don’t learn much about nutrition in med school. I wondered then, how did he discover this remarkable “new” idea of skipping breakfast? He learned this dietary concept through Hugh Jackman. A terrific, talented and one of my favorite actors, but hardly an expert on physiological nutrition.

Dr. Oz went on to claim the average person eats continually over a 17 hour day. Very few healthy people I know eat “continuously.” If consuming potato chips at 11pm is a habit, then we have a counseling problem.

I do agree that eating before bedtime is not beneficial to sleep. Sleep releases beneficial growth hormones – lack of it leads to mental deterioration, internal stress and illness.

“I think for 2020, the first thing I’m going to do is ban breakfast,” the celebrity doctor recently told TMZ. “I don’t think we need to eat breakfast. That’s an advertising ploy.”

Well that settles it doesn’t it? If that bastion of newsworthy journalism, TMZ broadcasts it – then it must be true.

Dr. Oz goes on: “Unfortunately, a lot of the dogma that we were fed for decades came out of advertisements. It wasn’t really based on the truth around our health.”

Well that’s true – advertisements are meant to manipulate the public into purchasing their product; but let’s break his statement down.

Never did the doctor clarify what a healthy versus unhealthy breakfast is. Eggs contain countless nutrients which I’ve written about, whole wheat French toast is better than white. There’s a huge distinction between sugary Honey Smacks with a quarter teaspoon of fiber and 5 teaspoons of sugar and Shredded Wheat with a quarter teaspoon of sugar and two teaspoons of fiber. Add a banana, berries and cinnamon for nutritious fructose and added fiber because fiber also allows the body to rid itself of toxins through bowel movements.

Thankfully Mark Wahlberg (who wakes up at 2:30am and eats breakfast at 3:15) and Dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick, the manager of wellness nutrition services at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute respectfully disagreed with Dr. Oz’s finding.

In response, Dr. Oz shot Mark down, “Well, powerful medical literature and lots of athletes support me and show that intermittent fasting flips the switch so it bolsters your physical and your mental performance.”

Great, I can recruit just as many athletic directors and dietitians who would declare the opposite. But the response of “Oh yeah, did not,” “Did too,” is kind of childish isn’t it? Even if 5,000 men are wrong, they’re still wrong! (old Chinese saying.)

We are all uniquely created. I don’t eat breakfast immediately either – I like to be awake. I don’t measure portion sizes anymore – after measuring several times, usually you’ll know how much is normal.

I DO eat for nutrients. My morning begins around 7am with two cups of coffee, creamer, cinnamon and turmeric, an hour later, ¾ cup of quality yogurt, walnuts, berries and milled flaxseed. About 1/2 to 1 hour later, whole grain cereal and a half banana. At lunch I’ll have variety: a small salad, a half sandwich or planned-overs from the night before. Dinner consists of 3-4 ounces of meat with 5xs more veggies. A small dessert is eaten about 2 hours later. Sometimes in the afternoon I’ll eat a square of dark chocolate.

For my dietary advice I will go to The Great Physician. He lovingly created us individually according to Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 1:5. In Exodus 16:21, God ordered the Israelites to gather manna every morning. Even God believed in breakfast! I’ll cast my lot with my LORD. I believe God’s smarter than any man.

Adrift in a Sea of Nutritional Myths

When are we going to learn that God is actually smarter than we are? When are we going to trust that what He proclaimed  6,000 years ago nutritionally, is still Truth for today?

There are plenty of false diet gurus who testify how, by abstaining from this particular food type, you’ll lose weight. Please don’t be a sheep and follow blindly. We must realize if someone is pushing a diet agenda, there’s usually something profitable for the one doing the pushing!

God has no agenda except keeping you healthy in order to honor Him. He wants you to live a vibrant, productive life. He’s not Lucy waiting to take away your fun. Follow His dietary plan in Genesis 1:29 & 9:3 and enjoy a healthy life!

Contrary to what many scientists believe, our DNA wasn’t derived from apes, crystals or aliens. God created Adam with the perfect brain and physique with the intention of avoiding the Second Law of Thermodynamics when He said, “Do Not Eat!” But Adam believed a false prophet (Satan) and ate what was never intended for him. Mankind has deteriorated ever since. Lucky us.

“Discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you.”   (Proverbs 2:11)

Use discretion! Let’s look at some food fallacies people believe today. Avoiding: 

Bread.  A 1970’s Scandinavian study discovered when men consumed twelve slices of bread every day for weeks, rather than gain, they lost weight. Full of B vitamins, whole grains convert fats, proteins and carbs into energy. Fiber in hearty bread attaches to cholesterol, moving sludge out of one’s system, allowing the absorption of nutrients, which process food into energy.

Avocados: Physiologically, this fruit contains monounsaturated fat which attacks lousy LDL cholesterol and the stress hormone, cortisol which produces acid, creating toxins, which increases one’s waistline.

Pork: Pork loin contains less fat than the equivalent amount of skinless chicken breast. It contains thiamine, a calming B vitamin which overcomes stress. Choline and amino acids assist with metabolic processes.

Coconut: medium-chain trigylcerides and lauric acid target belly fat. This is one food stressed on the Keto Diet and why it works for some but overall Keto is a dangerous diet plan and never one I’d recommend!

Bananas: This often maligned fruit is one everyone should purchase! Magnesium, potassium, B’s, even vitamin C! Chocked full of fiber, it allows insulin to be released more slowly into your system, thus less hunger pains. Starts out as a starch. becoming more of a simple carbohydrate as it ripens (still nutritious.)

Nuts: Nuts are packed with protein, enzymes, antioxidants and so many beneficial nutrients like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B12, vitamin E, manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and essential fatty acids. Pistachios fight cortisol, the stress hormone and walnuts are fabulous for cognitive retention!

Eggs:  Eat for nutrients!  A, D, E, B6, B12, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, iron, choline, folate, selenium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and vital amino acids among other nutrients, nuff’ said?

Beans/lentils: The Paleo diet says avoid them. Really? These beneficial foods have both soluble and insoluble fiber plus protein, thiamine, E, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc. etc. . . .  what do you think???

Milk/ Cheese: Calcium/D for strong bones and muscle mass, (muscle burns fat.) Probiotics and whey for weight loss and digestive health.

You’ve probably guessed by now that God’s simple diet plan is the most beneficial, while offering Moderation!  I believe I’ll follow it, will you?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)


A “Modified” Keto Diet?

Last week, did you happen to catch an MSN’s Health section headline with the proclamation, “How I lost weight with a modified Keto Diet!”

News Flash: If a diet is modified, it is NOT the same diet plan. If I modify my Mediterranean Diet plan, it becomes a DASH or Volumetrics Diet. All excellent by the way. But modifying the dangerous Keto diet is putting lipstick on a pig and dancing in toxic waste.

I glanced over her “modifications” and discovered she continued to consume bacon, salami and other dyed, chemically-based, highly-saturated, fattening foods containing very few nutrients and fiber. Where’s the nutrients???

Listen, your body is comprised of chemicals while food is a bunch of chemicals. I’m sure you’ve seen what happens in a lab when too many chemicals are mixed together – Kaboom!!! Do you want your body to become toxic chemicals?

When one consumes Keto’s fat-based diet, theoretically a body burns fat for energy. Well how does that work? Let me explain:

We’ve all seen how a rocket blasts into space, right? That plume of smoke emitted from the back of the rocket as it launches off its pad is similar to what the body does when it produces energy to move as well. But our energy fumes are primarily converted inside and those toxins need to exit our body through urine and sweat.

Dangerous conditions result when one fails to drink pure clean water (most dieters drink Diet Coke with even more chemicals like Splenda or aspartame.) If you don’t drink enough water, those toxic chemicals remain in your system, festering in your cells, compounding unhealthy, acidic conditions. If your body is acidic, it becomes a  test tube for cancers, high cholesterol, heart disease, liver and kidney conditions among many others.

I’m not a gambler and don’t want to wager on a diet prone to precarious life-threatening illnesses. I also haven’t met anyone who has KEPT their weight off by staying on this diet forever. As we all know, the only real and reasonable diet is one that you can maintain for a lifetime.

I am not saying that one can never have bacon again. I eat bacon, cheese and cold cuts occasionally. However if I have a ham sandwich for lunch, then I’ll have lean meat: chicken, pork loin, sirloin, salmon, fish and fibrous veggies for dinner.

1 Corinthians 10:23 states that anything is fine in moderation but not everything is beneficial. I created and follow the Biblical Diet Plan found in Genesis 1:29 where God told Adam to eat plant based foods and then Genesis 9:3 in which He told Noah after the Flood with its newly created environmental climate that it’s now fine to consume meat.

Don’t struggle with crazy restrictive diet plans believing you are pleasing God. I actually call this “The Penance Principal.” Several of my patients believed they had to suffer; consuming bland foods, “sticks and twigs” in order to please God. On the contrary, it’s a slap in the Face of God when you say, “Oh dear, why did You create eggs and bananas? This human scientist says they are bad for me. After all scientists know more than you, don’t they?” Wrong, and besides science is always changing, God does not!

“So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.” (1 Corinthians 1:20) NLT

As for me and my house, I will trust the Lord! (Joshua 24:15)

Eat nutritiously and prosper.

Caterpillar or Butterfly?

Does a butterfly look back on its life and wish it had remained a caterpillar? (I do wonder about strange things, don’t I?)

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder but most of us, if given a choice, would choose to be a butterfly I believe, rather than a caterpillar.

When it’s a caterpillar it’s pretty adorable; all soft and fluffy. And we usually “ooo” and “aah” over a butterfly and only “aahh, so cute!” over a caterpillar. Most of us just  aren’t content to be cute – we’d rather be beautiful, it’s human nature.

The caterpillar had the DNA inside him to change his nature, so do we? Some are naturally meant to be thinner than others; but we should ALL  desire to be our healthiest self. The butterfly eventually changed into the best of himself, so can you! Don’t be content to settle for a second best you.

Do you think the caterpillar knew its destiny or was it content to crawl around the leaves and up stems of flowers and never soar? Was it aware that it would eventually transform into a beautiful creature? I would think it was probably content in its ignorance. Just like discouraged dieters who sigh, “Well, I guess this is how I was made, so I’ll just accept it.”

In God’s timing, the caterpillar metamorphosed into a butterfly; and with its beautifully extended wings alighted on a flower for the first time. What a glorious accomplishment! Do you think it then grieved for its past life or rather rejoiced in its new abilities to fly? Did it ever wonder, “Why didn’t I do this sooner!”

So many of us are content in bodies that crawl or even stumble exhausted through life without any desire to reach greater heights! Strive for something better than mediocrity, you deserve it!

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

As a nutritionist, I usually heard a patient, after they met their goal, exclaim, “I feel wonderful! Why didn’t I do this sooner?!!!” In God’s timing He won’t force us to becomes healthier. It’s our decision. Only when we are ready to make him LORD over our choices will we be ready to become a new creation.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Don’t be content to drag yourself through your day with extra pounds and potential health issues. Are you tired of taking countless pills for blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or a heart condition? Instead allow yourself to become a New Creation.

I very much enjoy watching the television show, Aerial America? Isn’t it amazing how soaring over this country can change our perspective on how we view objects we’ve seen countless times?! Isn’t it about time you saw life from a different perspective? Choose a healthier lifestyle and take control of your life.

Don’t crawl through life, SOAR with wings like the butterfly.


Personal River of Change

Thank you to all of my followers who didn’t quit on me during my long sabbatical. It’s hard to return after being away from blogging. One reason is because it’s difficult to come up with a first post! It’s not as easy as: “Hi, I’m Back!!! Gotta love me!”

Recently I saw a poster entitled “Life is like a River.” How often have you heard that saying? Poems are written about it, Facebook posts share it and Garth Brooks beautifully sang about it. Wouldn’t a river analogy be the perfect segue after a life-changing sabbatical?

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” (Isaiah 43:2)


Rivers are molded by their environment.

Rivers are amazing and beautiful. They can gently bring life back to a community or can flood it with a vengeance, if influenced by outside sources. Rivers can gently round off rocks, creating their beautiful smoothness or mold them into craggy, sharp, dangerous edges.

During my teenage years, our farm bordered part of the Susquehanna River. Since we weren’t far from its source in Cooperstown, NY, it wasn’t very wide. A stone could have easily been thrown across it. That is until the rains came and the river overflowed onto our fields. This could have been a good or bad event. It could destroy crops or enrich the soil.

Events happen in our lives that we have no control over. When downpours come into our lives, do we rant and rave? Sure, but even if justified, do we allow it to destroy our happiness? Do we accept life’s challenges, make the best of it and move on or have a pity party, mope and complain? How we react to a crisis is a personal choice. Choose Joy!

River intensity changes frequently

Our personal “life river” became a white water rafting trip last year when we traveled over some rocky shoals of life. Sadly, we were betrayed by beloved trusted friends, accosted and blindsided by an angry mob of “Pharisees.” Other innocent friends were hurt simply for being our acquaintances. Yet still their and our Faith never wavered.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Yes, God is Faithful. He almost miraculously moved us out of a toxic environment and provided a way of escape. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Over the past five months, life has become incredibly rewarding and joyful once again, living in paradise. We are coasting on smooth waters and our faith not only endured but flourished.

Rivers are always moving forward, therefore no two days are ever the same: 

Several years ago, after my husband accepted his previous position, he was asked to join the staff of a wonderful Christian college. Having integrity, he declined, faithfully serving his congregation. It was evident that God’s River moves at its own pace, patiently instilling life experience. God eventually provided abundant blessings; moving us to that new teaching position and true Christian friendships.

Rivers are so diverse, no two are alike. Just like people 

I’m here to implore you to not focus on fragile, fallible Christians. God alone is perfect. Our past is a training field, learn from it. If you don’t like your circumstances, change them. If you trust in God, rely on His Will, He will never forsake you!

It’s good to be back, my friends.


A Christmas Gift That Will Last a Lifetime

Years ago, the holiday season was merely a month-long event: Thanksgiving to Christmas. Well, not anymore!

It begins when your best friend has a masquerade/Halloween party. Then it’s Thanksgiving with all the trimmings. Soon it’s the office and personal Christmas parties, Christmas Eve and Day with family and friends; then New Year’s Eve parties and a New Year’s Day feast.

Disgusted with the lack of control you promised yourself, you vow to take the extra weight off beginning January 2nd! But in January, the NFL playoffs come around and that means more parties and of course the Super Bowl. After that comes Valentine’s Day and chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Is it any wonder we sometimes gain 6-10 extra pounds over the “holidays?”

Okay . . . so now that you’ve pigged out over this past Thanksgiving weekend (even thought you convinced yourself, you wouldn’t this time) now what?

Becoming your healthiest self isn’t about willpower, complicated diet plans or even some magic formula. It’s about physiology, unique educational understanding and mentally deciphering why you act as you do around food.

I’ve professed many times that sometimes when you crave a cookie . . . it isn’t “just a cookie!” It represents so much more; discover what that is!

Until one becomes aware of that “why” reason, one’s simply spinning their wheels or even worse; wasting time, muscle, brain cells and money. The only thing lighter is your wallet.

Health is even more important than weight loss and losing weight is especially important if you have diabetes or other illness and isn’t being healthy every day vital?

Becoming your best self has always been a combination of our individual mental, physiological and spiritual relationships to food. You aren’t like anyone else so stop wasting money! There simply is no “one size fits all” diet plan.
So now what?

Those answers are all laid out in my 242 page paperback, in my practical, nutritional self-help book: “Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese . . . “ (Nutritional and Life Lessons God Teaches Us) which addresses our mental, physical and spiritual relationship to food.

Have you ever wondered why you didn’t (or couldn’t) stay as disciplined as you wanted around tempting cuisine? Why you could control an entire boardroom of employees but lacked willpower around potato chips . . . or suddenly gave in to peer pressure and are plain disgusted with yourself for your lack of “discipline?”

Written in easy-to-read informative vignettes, like my blog, sample chapters include:

• So You Think You Want Instant Weight Loss?
• “But I Have No Willpower!”
• Why Dieting is like the Westminster Dog Show
• “Why, When I Eat Breakfast, Am I Hungrier Afterward?”
• Daily Serving Sizes Deciphered
• Addressing Food Fallacies
• “Help!!! I’m Trapped in This Body!”
• Ya Gotta Be More Stubborn than a Lhasa Apso!
• Break Free From Food Bondage
• Don’t Become a Lab Rat. (How Advertisers Manipulate Your Mind)
• Stressed? Who’s STReSSed?? Just Give Me Chocolate!!!
• Strive For Excellence, Not Perfection

I repeat: “Health is always more important than weight loss!”

“Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:19) Please don’t set your mind on earthly goals but godly ones.

“Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese . . . ” (Nutritional and Life Lessons God Teaches Us) is the perfect Christmas gift. What a way to start the New Year; healthier and happier!

Now available in Ebook format for $4.99 on

(I noticed my paperback book is currently available from from $10.55 when it’s usually $14.95!!!)    Go here    So please act quickly to order because healthy living spread out over a life time, is PRICELESS!