The Personality Evaluation Answers – Part Two

On January 3rd, I sent out a Personality Evaluation regarding the correlation of our personalities to food. It addressed some of the mental and physiological reasons as to what provokes us to eat as we do.  The first part of the questions were addressed on January 8th. Below is a continuation of that post.

Q. #5   I prefer to be alone and  Q.#13  Raw salad is one of my favorite meals.         

There’s a difference between being alone and lonely. It’s difficult to be on a healthy regimen when you cook for one person. Packaged food in the freezer section of the grocery store tends to contain chemical preservatives and salt.

Try this: Dedicate one day to slow-cook a roast, create pasta sauce, hard-boil some eggs, or cook an entire chicken. Then plan daily meals for the week ahead. It doesn’t take long to grill up some vegetables, create a small or Chef’s salad, or microwave a sweet potato. You’ll be consuming nutrients, not chemicals.

Ensure you get nutrients into your daily routine. In today’s world, there are several healthy meal service plans available. But check out the labels and choose those that have low sodium and chemical content.

Do you enjoy cooking? Don’t know how to boil water? Own an air fryer? Join or watch a cooking club TV show that specializes in healthy living. Go to the library and find healthy recipe cookbooks.

Q. #7  Sometimes my personality tends to be anxious, irritable, jittery? Or #14 I often get hungry between meals

Or even lethargic?  Too much sugar provides an insulin rush and then drops you flat. You’ll drag yourself around for the day, not quite feeling yourself or mentally “out-of-it.”

If you haven’t cut down on sugar, caffeine, or energy drinks, get off them slowly. Your pH is most likely on the acidic side. That is an open invitation to cancers and other illnesses.

One of my patients drank 30 cups of coffee daily. Her pH was extremely acidic because she was washing away valuable nutrients. It took months, but she gradually got down to only two cups.

Artificial stimulants like energy drinks jumpstart your metabolism but your brain believes you’re ill. Your body metabolism will slow in defense. To protect you, it instinctively stores fat to survive any upcoming illnesses.

Increase leafy greens and other fibrous fruits (apples, berries) and vegetables(avocados, broccoli, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes) in your diet. This will increase your pH to the alkaline side, creating a calmer and healthier attitude.

You actually might need more food if you get hungry during the day. But you must ask yourself, “Am I really hungry or just bored, provoked by a feeling, or a TV advertisement?”

Add a bit more protein which takes longer to break down (2-4 hours) in your bloodstream. Increase your intake of B vitamins which calm the body and mind. A 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with fruit or a small banana shake with 1% milk, ice, and cinnamon or dash of nutmeg.

Add good fats to your diet like avocados, walnuts, peanut butter, or olive oil to your body which satiates and lasts 5-7 hours in your digestive system. Good carbs are sweet potatoes, broccoli, apples, beans, oatmeal, and any fibrous fruit or vegetable. A bit of peanut butter or cheese on a whole grain cracker, popcorn, or fibrous fruit will last about 2-3 hours in your system. By doing this you overcome reaching for a donut or candy bar for quick energy.

“Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me.” (Psalm 27:11)

Always strive for healthier living!

8 thoughts on “The Personality Evaluation Answers – Part Two

  1. Your diet suggestions are very nutritious and doable. Sometimes (perhaps too often) I indulge myself by air frying sweet potato discs tossed in almond oil, salt and pepper. When I’m hungry, I snack on raw almond butter on crackers or apples-too much actually. Your plan appears to encourage variety and moderation. Thanks, Ellie, for your wise nutritional advice!


  2. You are so right on a huge difference between lonely and alone. And your food ideas are great. As one who had to learn to live and eat alone all over again, I buy proteins and separate in smaller portions in bags before freezing. I wouldn’t be without my airfryer where I make most my meals in. I can put a protein, grill some veggies on at same time. ❤


    • Thank you for your comment dg, I am grateful you continue to eat right, even as you go through troubling times. So many don’t when eating alone and it leads to a downward track lacking nutrients which leads to depression and eventually illnesses. Perhaps I’ll write a post soon on this. I pray you can always rely on God and your positive behavior, blessings back, ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Ellie. And just to prove your point, when I lost my husband, I did give up on everything – including hardly eating and not supplements. I was in bad health as my doctor put me through a barrage of tests and my levels on everything were dangerously low. I snapped out of it fast when I saw my labs and got back into taking care of my health. I also joined the gym then and somehow, I’m a walking miracle now. So the truth is in the pudding! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you included the time it takes to break down certain food. I am trying to cut down on sweets and you have given me some great substitute suggestions. Thanks, Ellie for sharing your knowledge. ❤


    • Anytime, Carol, thank you for your encouragement. I sure appreciate you.

      Some of the tricks I use that if I’m craving a piece of chocolate cake or cookie, I eat a small amount (an ounce) of dark chocolate instead and that alleviates my desire for sweets. (Because what I really wanted, after all, was the chocolate and there are valuable nutrients in dark chocolate.) But of course, I rarely carry sweets in the house and store my chocolate stash in the fridge. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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