Building Willpower

It’s that time of year when culinary temptations abound. All your good intention go out the window. What are you supposed to do?

How can you keep your resolve to get healthier when culinary temptations arise until Valentine’s Day?

“Well, I’ll try,” you tell yourself. No! You either do or do not, as Yoda stated to Luke Skywalker, there is no try.

Build your willpower.

“But I have no willpower,” you whine.

This is stinkin’-thinkin’ once again. Of course you have willpower! That same willpower that prevents you from telling your boss, mother-in-law, or that rude sales clerk what you really think of him/her, is the same willpower you should tap into to prevent yourself from pigging out or losing control.

Think about it logically. There are only three things that happen in any situation:

  1. The event itself.
  2. The self talk, and
  3. The reaction

Let me give you an example.  Your co-worker asks if she can pick up something from a fast food restaurant on her way back to the office. 

That’s the event.

Now the self-talk: You go back and forth.  Gee, I brought some homemade soup with me today, but a burger sounds better.  I’ve been really good on my ‘diet’ plan lately. But I wanted to get into that little black dress before the reunion next week. 

Which do you want more, the burger or to feel triumphant when you see snooty Betty Bronkowski, and ask, “how do you like me now???” (Totally non-catty, of course.)

Finally,#3: reaction:  Whatever you choose, you own.  It is your decision, no one elses. Willpower is choosing to do the right thing, and you already know what is right. Talk yourself into success.

Tap into your visualization skills.  Imagine how you’ll feel walking into that class reunion, looking your best, most confident self.  For if you can lose weight, you can do anything, right?  Wouldn’t you rather feel confident and special everyday, not just for one night?

Make your goal a lifelong commitment. To live and feel great everyday!  Don’t give in to a fleeting moment’s temptation you’ll regret. You’re stronger than that!

Create positive actions throughout the day to bolster you.  Tell yourself, “I am a strong, competent person because I am a child of a very important King.” Memorize scripture verses to assist you, such as  Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” NIV

You were bought with a price by our Lord Jesus Christ. God stated that gluttony and lack of control is actually SIN. Did Jesus have to die for our out of control eating habits? For the sake of an entire Pepperidge Farm cake or bag of potato chips eaten in one sitting?  Seems a little crazy, but sin is sin and Jesus died for all sin, even gluttony.

Pray for wisdom and strength. He’ll provide a way for you to overcome temptation. Trust in I Cor. 10:13,  “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide  a way out so that you can stand up under it.”  

Think ahead and develop a strategy:

  1. Write down what you can do besides eat when you are tempted.
  2. Bring more flavorful, colorful lunches.
  3. Avoid bringing snacks into your home, which create a loss of control on your part.
  4. Peppermints can delay hunger.
  5. Walk twenty minutes in the park.

Develop personal choices and talk yourself into success!

14 thoughts on “Building Willpower

  1. Hopefully, many of your readers will benefit from the wealth of knowledge that you’ve shared about diet and weight loss. Your cheerleading techniques and use of scripture will likely also help encourage others. Great blog, Ellie!


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