Building Successful Health Goals

People who are never happy with the bounty God has already given them are not joyful, contented residents on Earth. Rushing around, they strive for something they’ll never achieve. Even when reaching a goal, they’re usually not satisfied with the final result.

They are like spoiled children on their birthday party who open present after present and then ask, “Is that everything?”  Happy for a moment, they look around, wishing for even more.

God wants us to live a happy, contented life. He designed each of us individually and only wants what’s best for us. If He wanted us to be someone else, don’t you think He would have created us differently?

Trying to be someone else enslaves us to something else. Remember God looks at our spirit! A grateful, contented smile is the most beautiful asset one will ever own, whether poor or rich.

“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” (Galatians 5:13)

True freedom is powerful! Even a prisoner will find freedom within his confines if he has godly peace within. For in his chains, his repentant Christian testimony will inspire others.

What imprisons you? Are you imprisoned by smoking, greed, weight gain, drug use, or other harmful habit? Look for godly ways to conquer these addictions, taking it one step at a time.

Yes, it’ll take time. There is no instant gratification, especially in health goals. For example, if someone is large-boned, they will never be a size 2 without looking emaciated. Becoming healthy is the goal.

Suggestions for Success

Make your goals realistic and start out small.

  • Develop discipline. Everything in life has a cost but remember, you are the only one who lives inside your body. Only you can reach success. Define your goals.
  • Choose realistic goals. If one is small in stature, eating smaller portions and creating a workout to keep that physique is essential. Write out a game plan.
  • Allow Scripture to be your Coach and you’ll pass the Finish Line. Overcoming an addictive habit might be a sprint, for others a marathon. (Five versus a hundred pounds.) We are each uniquely designed. Therefore run your own race. Listen to your coach!

How to exercise if you absolutely loathe it:

  • Start by simply walking around the block. The next day, walk around twice. Increase until you’re walking a few miles each day on a trail. Enjoy the view and the weather.
  • Begin lifting small weights for a short amount of time for each position. The following week, add a few more reps.
  • If you begin planking, attempt a minute, add 30 seconds gradually until you’ve reached a comfortable level. It’s the best way to develop a flat stomach.
  • Find an exercise you enjoy. (pickleball, golf, biking, hiking, shuffleboard, skiing, etc.)
  • Keep track of your successes. Document them – it’s nice to view your results on paper.

Start finding success in small personal goals because accomplishing any goal builds confidence! With confidence we can do much more than we think.

Eventually you’ll view yourself in a different light. Self-discipline is empowering! A confident attitude will also draw others to you; for by conquering addiction, you have conquered the chains of a sinful nature.

“But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”  (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Become that New Creation in Christ that God wants you to be!

6 thoughts on “Building Successful Health Goals

  1. This is a terrific blog to inspire those who set unrealistic goals and want to do too much too fast. Your bullet points are a good guide to follow. Asking the Good Lord for strength and discipline to properly take care of the body you’re blessed with is also wise-as in the Bible verse you shared 1 Corinthians 9:27. Thank you, Ellie, for another wonderful post! 🙂


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