Does Personality Affect Weight Loss?

Yes! And most importantly,  personality affects how each of us should approach a diet plan that will work for us. Remember “diet” isn’t a magic formula – it’s only what we eat each day. We’re all on diets.

However this time of year, diets take on a different characteristic with legalistic plans and complicated formulas. Mentality this doesn’t work because it doesn’t get to the heart of the problem. Dieters will invest a lot of money in weight loss plans without recognizing how their personality affects details.

With our individualized emotional/physiological/chemical structure, it is impossible to lump each of us into one specific weight loss program.


Some people crave structured menus/packaged foods, while others want more independence to make their own choices. Some need education or encouragement daily, while others want to be well-trained and not micromanaged.

One Truth is known regarding our bodies; Scripture states: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.”    (1 Corinthians 10:31) (HCSB)

God wants us to eat sensibly, not destroy our holy temple. A diet plan shouldn’t detrimentally affect someone’s health, but many do.  For example, a diabetic needs a specific routine and lots of fibrous vegetables and whole grains. So does someone with medical condition like high cholesterol, kidney, or heart disease. Don’t play Russian roulette with your life! That’s what Satan wants.

In any diet plan, consult with your doctor, dietician, or nutritionist about your physiology and medical stats. Then try sensible solutions based only on the variance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. NEVER try dangerous diet pills, one that cuts out an entire food group, or harmful chemicals that promise a quick fix but can’t deliver for a life time.

I hope you’ll agree that each of us is diverse. Even identical twins, have a different personality and chemical makeup.

Today, I urge you to recognize and understand what type of personality you have. Of course you probably are a combination of all these below, that’s a given. But write down any numbers that describe you after reading.

Over the next few posts, we’ll break down what each trait means to you. I’ll also provide common sense solutions that uses that new-found knowledge. I’m confident if you apply this knowledge you’ll begin a successful venture, regaining your confidence and power, for only you with the Lord’s Strength, can.

Have fun taking the following test and potentially discover something new about yourself.

Personality:  (Check the yes’s)

  1. I’ve already been on at least five diet plans
  2. I lead a very busy life
  3. I’m a curious person
  4. I’m very social
  5. I prefer to be alone
  6. I like making my own decisions
  7. Sometimes my personality tends to be anxious, irritable, jittery
  8. I feel deprived on a diet
  9. I’d prefer structure in my diet plans
  10. I am very thrifty
  11. I’m very regimented/organized
  12. Food is extremely important in my life
  13. Raw salad is one of my favorite meals
  14. I often get hungry between meals
  15. I tend to crave sweet snacks
  16. I prefer chicken over steak
  17. I could enjoy eating potatoes at every meal.
  18. I prefer salty snacks like potato chips, popcorn, or pretzels

Isn’t it amazing how God knows us completely . . . our individual good and bad points in spite of how many humans have lived on earth? Amazing!

Strive to live for excellence!

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)

Discover and we’ll discuss what ‘type’ of dieter you are.  Curious? Stay tuned.

7 thoughts on “Does Personality Affect Weight Loss?

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