
“I’m What???” The Diet Personality Test Concludes

“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?” (Galatians 5:7)

We’ve come to the end of our Personality test results. We are complicated personalities so you’ve probably seen yourself in several already.

Here is the conclusion from January 3rd’s post:

If you are #10: very thrifty or #11: very regimented/organized – congratulations you win a prize!

Your personality is disciplined, sensible, and strictly follows instructions when you understand the reason why. If you are given reasonable tasks, your self-esteem will propel you onward. However, if you don’t understand the reasoning behind the action, you’ll become frustrated and search for another teacher.

This personality responds best to practical examples. You ask questions that keep teachers on their toes. You need to know how instructions apply to your life.

Paying for an expensive meal package plan wouldn’t last long because you don’t waste money. You think I can make this better for less!

The downside to this personality is that you have no patience with people who don’t succeed, even yourself. You believe you have no willpower which is a fallacy. If you lose control, it could be a chemical imbalance or insulin resistance. Don’t trust a hopeful-sounding false diet guru. Trust your logical instincts.

Follow a colorful diet plan like the Mediterranean, DASH, or Volumetrics plan. Research and read sensible dietitians or nutritionists. Start with small goals. Soon you’ll feel empowered to succeed.

If # 12: food is extremely important in your life or #16: you prefer chicken over steak:

Most likely inquisitive, you’d rather create meals at home. You believe chicken has even more recipe creativity than beef. You must understand what food labels mean and search out flavorful recipes that are healthy.

Anything is fine in moderation but if you lose control, you regret it the next day. Additional exercise is your payback.  There are so many recipes on the internet

Restaurants are your downfall. If you frequent restaurants, don’t arrive hungry and lose control. Compromise. Have a peppermint about a half hour before you arrive, it reduces your hunger. Mentally decide before you go, that you’ll eat half and bring the rest home.

Don’t ever tell yourself, “Well, it’s my life, I can eat what I want!” And then what? If you develop an illness, it affects those around you. Do you love food more than your children? They’d suffer if you became ill. Think of the consequences before you act irrationally.

Are you #17: preferring potatoes at every meal or #18: salty snacks, potato chips, or pretzels?

Well, first, you probably are a man. No offense, men usually prefer crunchy and women, sweets – but not always. Do you select French fries or potato options as a side instead of rice, quinoa, or couscous?

At parties, this personality isn’t tempted by sweets but by salty selections: cheese dips, salsa, chips, egg rolls, etc.

If you sometimes crave crunchy items, it could indicate that you are angry, stressed, or frustrated and psychologically need something to take it out on!

Ensure that you drink plenty of water to regulate your blood pressure. Salt reduces blood vessels. Weakened blood vessels and stress is an open invitation to a heart attack or stroke. Release that frustration through fresh air, exercise, calming music, or an aerobic workout. Don’t allow emotions to conquer your self-discipline.

I hope you’ve found that this series answered questions about why you eat as you do. Now run the race and press onward toward your healthy goal!

 “I run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding.”  (Psalm 119:32)

God’s Furry Messengers: Life Lessons Learned from Dogs

Have you noticed how bad behavior in our current culture is now characterized as permissible? We live in a topsy-turvy world today. Our children view daily news clips of people stealing, lying, and vandalizing property, and being rewarded for it. What’s going through children’s heads? Why bother obeying rules? I’m a fool if I do so!

More and more, parents’ rights seem to be taken away and children are growing up with little respect for authority. My husband and I are privileged to attend a church where 65% of the congregation is under 55. Teenagers are respectful and hungry to learn about their Creator and Lord. What makes the difference? Parents.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Parents need to take back their godly authority. Children shouldn’t have their faces staring at video games or iPhones six hours a day. Parents must talk with their children daily to discover what’s happening inside their heads.

Sadly, when a school tragedy occurs, we repeatedly hear the child’s parents lament how they hadn’t realized there was even a problem! Again, parents and grandparents need quality time together. Our young people need Godly Direction and should understand the value of boundaries.

Today’s society is one where “anything goes,” and too many children are floundering with no moral compass. I was challenged to write God’s Furry Messengers, a children’s book that aspires to draw the entire family unit closer.

God’s Furry Messengers: Life Lessons Learned from Dogs is a family Christian Devotional that targets the 5 – 11-year-old. It aims to draw the entire family unit closer. What better way for a grandparent to get to know their grandchild? What better way to impart some of your hard-earned wisdom in a non-judgmental form? Older siblings can read chapters to their younger ones, confiding how their trials and experiences were not so different and how they coped.

The idea for the book arose as I  noticed how human our pups acted at times. Through the years I’ve posted about our beloved dogs and the life lessons we learned observing them. I also discovered that thru observing our furry friends, we learn valuable lessons about the nature of God.

Therefore, based on that idea, I compiled a sweet children’s devotional with questions dispersed throughout each chapter.

God’s Furry Messengers:

Meet the Marshall family – ten-year-old Alex, seven-year-old Mattie, and their parents, Lydia and Jim. It’s a happy family with two adorable pets, Sebastian, an older, wiser Cocker spaniel, and Jinx, a feisty female Lhasa apso who believes she’s wise, but instead is a wise guy.

Everything has been running smoothly for the household until Lydia brings home a furry new family member. The Marshall household will never be the same.

This professionally illustrated book addresses essential personal, social, and spiritual issues.  Each chapter provides multiple opportunities to discuss the daily challenges of today’s world.

Topics address respect for authority, prejudicial issues, bullying, impatience, the importance of good character, why God disciplines, and peer pressure among other subjects. It’s told from a pup’s point of view, but every child will relate to each chapter.

God’s Furry Messengers: Life Lessons Learned from Dogs can be found on in paperback form.   (Link here )

I pray it will open up the lines of communication not only for families, but Sunday School teachers, Christian schools, church nurseries, and other Christian organizations.

If you agree that today’s children are too valuable to waste, please help me network by sharing this post. Thank you so much, Ellie

Create A Positive Attitude!

Have you ever thought, after accomplishing something extremely tough but satisfying,  Why did I grumble so much, thinking I couldn’t do it? Well, let me ask a question, “Who influences you?”

When you were a child, did you strive for perfection or excellence? God doesn’t expect perfection. In our imperfections God allows us to grow, building confidence through a sense of accomplishment.

Why didn’t I do this sooner?” is usually the first comment I hear when a person successfully loses weight. All that complaining and believing stinkin’-thinkin’ negativity is time wasted! Whoever said you couldn’t accomplish something?  Unfortunately, whether it’s a parent, employer, acquaintance or sibling, don’t hang around those who express negativity!  It only brings you down.

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Have you found that if you’re around a chronic complainer, it changes your attitude too? Me too. Now I’ll smile and say something my mother used to say, “Now say two good things.”

Associate with positive people. Even though I assured patients they could indeed lose weight, some kept whining, “You don’t understand, it’s too hard.” Actually, the harder a challenge, the more satisfaction comes in conquering it! Besides the Holy Spirit, you are the only one who lives in your body. Success depends on your mental determination.

I’ve worked with patients who had hundreds of pounds to lose. Talk about mountains to conquer . . . well even climbing a mountain begins with a single step. Start walking!

The Israelites complained almost every day after fleeing Egypt and meeting struggles along the way.  “Oh to be back in the days of leeks, onions, cucumbers, meat and garlic.”  Complain, complain!  I miss a nice drink of water . . . complain! I wish I could take a hot shower . . . complain! Even Moses couldn’t stay positive as he led through challenging circumstances. He lost his optimism around complainers. He then sought positive influences through quiet time and prayer with his Lord.

I understand legitimate gripes – that’s totally different. Everyone has to vent some time. If one holds stress inside, it will come out in self-destructive ways. But either rectify the situation or let it go before it destroys your godly character.

“or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.”   (Proverbs 22:25) 

Negative speech corrupts good thought patterns no matter how strong one is. Remember Job’s friends who simply sat with him at first as a supporter? Then they opened their mouths. As the saying goes, with friends like those, who needs enemies? Pray for spiritual friends who will build you up, not drag you down! Find happy, optimistic people to be around and it’ll change your outlook.

How does one increase positive development?

  • Develop your assets. Don’t know what they are? Ask a trusted friend. Remember you’re unique. You don’t have to like everything about yourself but everyone has good points. Discover and embrace yours!
  • Do something nice for others. Remember life isn’t all about you. Sharing happiness while helping others is an uplifting feeling!
  • Find ways to learn different activities to attract upbeat friends into your life: photography, art, sports, theater, comedy, or some other club.
  • Find new influences. Invite positive friends over for coffee or go shopping.
  • Read motivating biographies or self-help books. Highlight inspiring points.
  • Reward yourself with small non-food treats, Chart accomplishments after reaching goals. It’ll build confidence.

Happiness is a choice. Choose to glorify God and find the peaceful JOY He gives! Rid yourself of the negative influences, both spirituality, and nutritionally.

“A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.” (Proverbs 15:18)

Where’s Christmas?

This post was written years ago when we lived up north. Sadly, it seems to be as much or even more appropriate today.


The beginning of December, I set out to find a small manger for a Christmas craft project. It could have been anything, on an ornament, a Christmas card, or even a figurine.

First, I went to the Dollar Store. I found nothing Christian but countless sets of Christmas cards with Santa and reindeer on them. Next, I went to Walmart (good luck there.) Nada. Then I walked through Home Depot – absolutely nothing Christian at all, but I could have purchased a red and green six-foot dragon . . . what that has to do with Christmas I’ve yet to figure out.

A few days later, still searching, I traveled to two shopping centers in another town. I checked out Michael’s craft store. The sweet girl acknowledged they used to carry them . . . but searching together, neither of us could find them anywhere. Neither did World Bazaar, J.C. Penny, or T.J. Maxx.

I thought Christian-run Hobby Lobby would undoubtedly carry a small manger scene, even if it was on a postcard! Yet once again, found nothing. I’m praying they were only sold out.

Finally, I found a Lifeway Christian bookstore. Aha! I thought, of course, I’ll find a manger scene here! And yes, I did! It was on a box of spiced apple cider. Desperate to find anything that might work, I purchased the over-priced drink mix, cut out the cardboard manger scene on the front, and pasted it on my craft project. (At least we’ll enjoy the beverage sometime during these cold winter months.)

Halfway through this hectic quest I felt like Charlie Brown, frustratingly asking where was Christmas??? I could find a plethora of Santa’s, sleighs, reindeer antlers, elf hats, chipmunks, cute bears and Grinch’s, but no Christ in Christmas!

Then I thought, at least I can find Christmas at church.  Absolutely! I’ll find Peace on Earth here during this Joyous Season. Instead, I found a church member fussing in public, running around fuming, complaining, blaming others because they felt overworked and unappreciated in their position. (Hey, if your position is primarily to please people and not our Lord, get your priorities straight!)

Then yesterday, as my husband and I were finalizing the Christmas gifts and food for four community families in need; getting ready to drop off our congregation’s many generous donations, I found it. Eureka!

THIS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT:  Christmas is about the Joy of Christ – blessing others, not ourselves. Bringing smiles and true Joy freely to others! A Free Gift.

As Jesus left his heavenly home to be born in Bethlehem, living as a man among us, he understood that completely. He beheld some petty frustrations of his friends and the slings and arrows of the Pharisees. He experienced the same feelings, joys, frustrations, challenges, and laughter that we do.  He gave of himself, unselfishly. He sacrificed EVERYTHING, his very life for our pettiness, grumpiness, busyness, and selfish human behavior. All we must do is accept it. That was the best GIFT he could ever give.

Parents -do your children know what is the real reason for Christmas?

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”   (John 3:16)

Which Life Would You Choose?

Imagine a world where corruption runs rampant. Rightful living is ridiculed, wrong has been deemed right, dishonest rulers run the country, murders occur in the streets, parents kill their babies, sexual immorality is prevalent, stealing is ignored, and lying is accepted as truth. Would you choose to reside here?

This is the world in which Noah’s wife lived. (How many thought I was speaking of today’s world?)

Noah’s wife is not named in Scripture, but we can learn much from her example.

She was a strong woman, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

After Adam’s fall, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics had kicked in. Everything began deteriorating, yet the human race still lived hundreds of years. Noah was 500 years old when God instructed him to build the Ark and I’m confident his wife wasn’t much younger. They most likely had many more children, yet only three sons and their wives entered the Ark.

It had never rained on the earth and a canopy enveloped the world. Sure, there were boats for transportation, and Noah’s family most likely lived along a river. But God had asked Noah to build a boat so large that nothing larger was constructed until the mid-1850s.

Imagine the abuse Noah’s wife endured as her husband was ridiculed for 120 years! “Where’s Noah gonna float that monstrosity, honey? The river ain’t that big!”  “Send him off to the funny farm and come live with me!”

Every woman wants her husband to be respected. To stand by and accept this abuse heaped upon Noah must have been embarrassing. In today’s world, most wives would have simply divorced and moved on to someone else. Why did she remain? Because she had faith! She knew God called her family to great responsibility. She preferred to be a supportive wife and trust God.

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.” (Psalm 118:8)

I’m sure she worked alongside Noah in some capacity, whether it was to feed her family or work at the construction site. We don’t know if she entirely understood what was to come. She probably knew it would not be easy, but I doubt she envisioned an entirely different world environment.

Did she endure sleepless nights or sleep peacefully knowing she was in the will of God?

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

How many sleepless nights have you have you endured when you weren’t following what the LORD has instructed you in Scripture? When we’re at peace, we have nothing to fear, and perfect love casts out fear.

Even if she had no other children, she had friends, acquaintances, aunts, uncles, perhaps even a mother and father who would be left behind. Did she warn them of what was to come? I’m quite sure she attempted to, but they failed to comprehend or accept the salvation the Ark represented. How heartbreaking!

In today’s world, how many accept that our nation is over the edge too and we need to turn to Christ, our Salvation?

Whether today’s population is rebellious, apathetic, or simply enjoying the world’s lifestyle, have we warned them of the destruction coming when we are out of the Will of God? Have you invited friends to church, only to hear: “Sorry, my kids have soccer practice Sunday mornings.” “No thanks, not my thing.” “Hahaha, God would turn over in his grave if I walked into a church.”

When God shut the door to the Ark, that was it. There were no second chances for anyone left on earth. Eternity is not the big sleep. You are eternally awake, rejoicing in Heaven or suffering a fiery, regretful existence in Hell forever!

Today choose who you will serve. Become a New Creation and chose to enter the Ark of Christ.


10 Sensible Habits for Abundant Health!

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

We are commanded to honor God with our bodies and let’s face it, no one desires to fail on another “diet.” But every time we get exasperated, wanting to quit, the devil taunts: I said you couldn’t do it! You’ll never be successful.

Don’t believe it! The Lord knows you are more powerful than Satan so tap into God’s power! (1 John 4:4)

To ensure weight loss success, establish your defenses against the devil’s lies. Conquer that mountain top of discouragement! Here’s how:

1. Winners know who they are.  Accept your need for self acceptance. You are unique, revel in that. Build your worth around your love for God, others, your family and personality. Real beauty comes from within. (1 Samuel 16:7) Either rid your life of toxic relationships or be an encourager.

2. Become conscious of how you react to food. Are you really hungry or just provoked by a feeling? Do you eat healthy foods or do you bring tempting junk into your home? Do you eat quickly or dine leisurely with friends and family?  It takes 20 minutes for your brain to know your tummy is full, so relax and enjoy your food.

3.  Build a support system for accountability/encouragement. God declared, “It’s not good for man to be alone.”  Your friends and family care if you’re unhealthy. Don’t allow them to be enablers.

4. Successful people are committed to reaching goals. They don’t allow set-backs to deter them. Sometimes you’ll be ten steps forward and then four steps back, but remember, you’re still going forward! As a Christian, is there anything that would entice you to return to a decadent lifestyle? Hope not! Realize that God doesn’t expect perfection from you, only obedience –  so don’t expect it from yourself.

5Successful people develop strategies. They have created strategies to overcome temptations before they arise. Outside influences shouldn’t control them. They know honoring God is more important than  establishing a fattening, unhealthy food as their idol.

6. They find pleasure in other actions besides eating! Develop a hobby, write, paint, exercise, read a favorite novel, garden, learn a new skill. It’s not selfish to find satisfaction in a well-rounded lifestyle! Food then won’t be the highlight of your life.

7.  Motivated people use visualization skills.  Try visualizing yourself covered in lard or yellow fat. Visualize eating raw chicken skin, mmm . . . or bacon grease coursing throughout your veins.  Not very attractive. Think of your heart as a separate entity, faithfully working day and night to keep you alive. Your heart deserves better!

8Winners are confident people! Aren’t you drawn to confident leaders? Just think how mentally strong you become, because no one else can lose your weight but you!! If you can lose weight you can do anything, so walk like a winner!

9. Winners become educated. They understand why they eat and know where temptations are. They control their daily fat intake and rarely eat junk food – which like sugar, greatly ages the body. They exercise because it’s beneficial and FUN. They’ve learned physiology and what an intricate machine God created!

10. Feeling great is their everyday routine. Healthy people smile more, enjoying life! Being healthy improves one’s looks, energy level, longevity, self-esteem and is a testimony to how God gloriously rules in our lives.

Walk with God’s Strength, it’s something winners strive for.

 “For it is written, You must be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)

Staying Healthy Even Thru Tough Times

Most will agree, we went thru stressful times this past year. Have you found you’ve gained weight? Found yourself eating to cover emotional issues? You’re not alone. But ask why you’re reaching for food. Are you even hungry or simply reacting to challenges?

If you are having a stressful morning, it’s easy to reach for the donuts in the break room. Angry? Those pretzels are therapeutically crunchy!!! Lonely? Reach for the calming chemical phenylethylamine found in chocolate.

Food is our comfort drug when we are feeling emotional. You experience stress as a nurse, when you can’t do anything for that sweet child in the ICU, as an overworked teacher, when that popular teenager calls you a derogatory word and others laugh, or as a social worker, wishing you could do more for struggling families. It hurts when we don’t see a way out!

Self-medicating with food makes the pain go away, even for a short time. It changes our chemical make-up, providing pleasure, relaxing us. That’s a hard habit to give up. If you are a kind person watching injustice in today’s world, stress hits especially hard. You might even question God and wonder why He allows such things to happen?

God cares! It breaks His heart when He sees suffering. But, as He has since Adam, allowed us free choice. We can obey, become apathetic or self-destruct. God would never force us do something beyond free will.

I understand this.  As much as I wanted my patients to become healthier, they had to want it more than I wanted it for them! I watched as they victoriously chose a more healthier lifestyle . . . or destruction. It was  frustrating to watch sometimes but it had to be their choice. Change starts from within the individual.

As God watches, it’s the same for Him. He wants us to choose what is best but in His love. He did not create puppets. God will not force us to do what we don’t want to do. Actions have consequences and choosing to consume chemically-laden, processed foods will ultimately react in physiologically destructive results. 

In the beginning God gave us whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for food. In modern times, man began developing foods that included additives, preservatives and chemicals for a longer shelf life.

You probably realize already that food, being a bunch of chemicals, can become addictive. It is as addictive as smoking, drugs or alcohol addiction because it changes our brain neurotransmitters and bodily chemistry.

Regarding diets, my personal health philosophy is based on 1 Corinthians 10:23 “”I have the right to do anything,” you say–but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”–but not everything is constructive.”

Any food is fine in moderations but certain foods containing preservatives and chemicals aren’t constructive because they create an unhealthy acidic pH.

Some believe food addiction is even worse than drugs, alcohol and smoking because we cannot get away from food – it’s there at least three times a day, staring us in the face. It’s in the vending machines, on television, even along the road you travel on. 

As a nutritional counselor I gave my patients the tools for recovery, then had to stand by to see if they would take hold of them to use them for their own good. Faith is trusting, even when we don’t understand why.

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9: 9,10 (NIV)


Restoring Hope (A Casey Conrad Sequel)

How did you spend your quarantined year? For me, dear friends and followers, I concentrated on my writing endeavors. I guess this 2020 project could be filed under “If we can’t play outside with our playmates – make up imaginary ones!” 

And so I did!  Therefore, I am pleased to announce the launching of my newest novel, “Restoring Hope (A Casey Conrad Sequel) by Ellie Marrandette

As a parent, what lengths would go to, to restore joy to the one you love? Restoring Hope is a feel-good novel about love and redemption based on my Christian values and counseling career.

Below is the book blurb:



Renown LPGA golfer, Casey Conrad, is married to her career. Overcoming a tragic childhood, golf became her redemption. She now aspires to use the skills she learned to give back. Her dream is to create an Academy as a safe-haven for underprivileged, inner-city girls. “Golf transcends life,” she testifies. “It instills discipline, integrity and moral values.”

Hope Morgan, a rebellious teenager, feels abandoned by those claiming to love her. How can they love me when they keep sending me away? Everyone lies!  Adopted at birth, residing in a wealthy home, she has everything but what she desires most – a place to belong.

Ryan Morgan had always wanted to be a father. A product of a middle-class upbringing, he grew up amid hard work and godly values. Wealth and privilege were nothing he desired until he met Angelina Rappaport, the daughter of a prominent investment banker. Marrying into a lifestyle he knew little of, he quickly felt like an outsider.

After a tragedy occurs, Ryan moves with his daughter to Charleston, South Carolina, to begin a new life. Now his only desire is to restore his daughter to the joyful, spirited girl he remembers.

Three different victims, many different scenarios. Will a father’s love prevail, can another young girl find redemption and will a dream be fulfilled?”


WordPress has changed their website while I’ve been away. The best I can do for a link right now is:  Hopefully, I can figure out how to edit this later. At least this will link you to the page. The book is available in ebook format for $2.99.

Here are some of my other works:


“Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese” (Nutritional and Life Lessons God Teaches Us)    Paperback and ebook format


Sometimes Marriage is a Real Crime 

Casey’s Journal   

“The Curious Proposal for Prosperity, Nevada” (Novella)

Thank you my friends, I very much appreciate your support and any word-of-mouth advertising you can provide.  Blessings back, Ellie


The Garbage Truck

Change Therapy

David Pollay was in a New York City taxi cab and here’s what happened to him.

“I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, the car skidded, the tires squealed, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch from the other car’s back-end. I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. How do I know? Ask any New Yorker, some words in New York come with a special face. And he even threw in a one finger salute!…

View original post 286 more words

The Color of Love

I had no intention of falling in love. But there he was.

At a huge outdoor market one spring day, I nonchalantly walked by the large open pen where most of his brothers and sisters lay sleeping. At first I simply checked them all out as they played and slept.  Aah, who doesn’t love puppies? I thought. Yeah, so cute but so much work. Feeding, walking, grooming, vet bills . . . It’s a long term commitment!

Don’t get attached, just walk away, Ellie, walk away. I failed to heed my own advice. 

There were some very pretty puppies of many different colors, but one in particular, happened to catch my eye. He was white with large black eyes, a black nose and one floppy brown ear. Eight weeks old. Oh, but he’s so precious!!!

At first, he just observed me with those curious black eyes. It looked like he had just woken up. Then, as he watched me, his tiny tongue began flicking in and out. Then his little tail slowly began wagging back and forth. Suddenly he pounced upward, happily bouncing against the side of the pen on two legs, smiling, begging for attention – all while his little tongue was moving a mile a minute, longing for kisses and attention.

Aren’t we all searching for attention and love?

Nope, I had no intention of falling in love. But there he was . . . and yes, I did. Do you think I cared whether he was white, tan, brown, red or black? Would you?

I fell in love with a happy-go-lucky, friendly, intelligent, kind and sweet little dog. His character was more important to me than his fur color or his pedigree. Four and a half years later, he still instills joy into our lives.

When I meet someone new, I look at their smile, kindness, integrity and enthusiasm for life – which is all part of their character. I admit, I have little patience with those those who stir up dissension and I despise injustice, negativity and stupidity.

Which brings me to the spiritual aspect of New Creations Ministries. How are we to treat others?

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

When God looks down on us, do you think He cares what color we are? How prestigious our heritage? Our job title? I doubt it very much. When God looks at us, He sees our heart and cares about our character, not our skin color. Jesus himself was not a blue-eyed Caucasian and he didn’t look like George Clooney.

“For God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11)

God doesn’t play favorites and neither should we. We are all His children and created in His image. Bring religious education and at least the Bible back into schools again and we might save the next generation. Our US Constitution does not proclaim Freedom FROM Religion, only Freedom OF Religion. Disagree? Search out Truth.

God cares about our character so much He sent His only Son to die on the cross for ALL mankind! That’s LOVE and it has no color. How many young people today realize that? Oh, you say, “I wouldn’t want to force religion on my children. I let them choose.”  Well okay. how is THAT working out for us???

Real love is a demonstration of it!