Tag Archive | Christian encouragement

Where’s Christmas?

This post was written years ago when we lived up north. Sadly, it seems to be as much or even more appropriate today.


The beginning of December, I set out to find a small manger for a Christmas craft project. It could have been anything, on an ornament, a Christmas card, or even a figurine.

First, I went to the Dollar Store. I found nothing Christian but countless sets of Christmas cards with Santa and reindeer on them. Next, I went to Walmart (good luck there.) Nada. Then I walked through Home Depot – absolutely nothing Christian at all, but I could have purchased a red and green six-foot dragon . . . what that has to do with Christmas I’ve yet to figure out.

A few days later, still searching, I traveled to two shopping centers in another town. I checked out Michael’s craft store. The sweet girl acknowledged they used to carry them . . . but searching together, neither of us could find them anywhere. Neither did World Bazaar, J.C. Penny, or T.J. Maxx.

I thought Christian-run Hobby Lobby would undoubtedly carry a small manger scene, even if it was on a postcard! Yet once again, found nothing. I’m praying they were only sold out.

Finally, I found a Lifeway Christian bookstore. Aha! I thought, of course, I’ll find a manger scene here! And yes, I did! It was on a box of spiced apple cider. Desperate to find anything that might work, I purchased the over-priced drink mix, cut out the cardboard manger scene on the front, and pasted it on my craft project. (At least we’ll enjoy the beverage sometime during these cold winter months.)

Halfway through this hectic quest I felt like Charlie Brown, frustratingly asking where was Christmas??? I could find a plethora of Santa’s, sleighs, reindeer antlers, elf hats, chipmunks, cute bears and Grinch’s, but no Christ in Christmas!

Then I thought, at least I can find Christmas at church.  Absolutely! I’ll find Peace on Earth here during this Joyous Season. Instead, I found a church member fussing in public, running around fuming, complaining, blaming others because they felt overworked and unappreciated in their position. (Hey, if your position is primarily to please people and not our Lord, get your priorities straight!)

Then yesterday, as my husband and I were finalizing the Christmas gifts and food for four community families in need; getting ready to drop off our congregation’s many generous donations, I found it. Eureka!

THIS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT:  Christmas is about the Joy of Christ – blessing others, not ourselves. Bringing smiles and true Joy freely to others! A Free Gift.

As Jesus left his heavenly home to be born in Bethlehem, living as a man among us, he understood that completely. He beheld some petty frustrations of his friends and the slings and arrows of the Pharisees. He experienced the same feelings, joys, frustrations, challenges, and laughter that we do.  He gave of himself, unselfishly. He sacrificed EVERYTHING, his very life for our pettiness, grumpiness, busyness, and selfish human behavior. All we must do is accept it. That was the best GIFT he could ever give.

Parents -do your children know what is the real reason for Christmas?

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”   (John 3:16)

Get Off the Weight Loss Merry-Go-Round

No one will tell you that losing weight is easy.

In today’s world, everyone is searching for a quick fix: quick cash, comfort, fulfilled dreams . . . Well, very few people win the lottery, no one lives without stress, and even fewer find their dream job.

A healthier lifestyle isn’t easy either. However, many ride that elusive merry-go-round over and over again, attempting to grasp that golden ring of easy weight loss. This is the ultimate definition of insanity.

This mindset couldn’t be more evident than watching those riding the weight loss merry-go-round of Cabbage Soup, Cottage Cheese, fruit or Rice Diet, liquids, Atkins, Medifast, protein powder diets, the Cookie diet,  Macrobiotics, Charcoal. Round and round they go with very few reaching that golden ring. The only good diet is a life-long one filled with nutrients!

Even stomach stapling requires discipline to maintain a new healthier lifestyle. One patient I counseled came in to see me after her procedure. She soon discovered she was only allowed to consume 2 ounces of food at a time. Imagine how she felt as she dined at a restaurant where her friends ate steaks, potatoes, and salads, but she couldn’t.

For someone who never realized her reason for gaining weight was due to worshipping food, she became an angry and frustrated woman.

Until she understood the root challenge to her weight gain, which was a mental, not physical reason, she’d remain unhappy with her decision. It’s a universal truth. One must realize the subconscious issues regarding why one eats to change fundamental habits.

There are many underlying reasons to why somone consumes too much food. Understanding your personal decisions will be the start of a wonderful change in you that only God can fulfill.

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”   (1 Corinthians 10:13)

God always provides a way. Find it. Whether it’s relying on a supportive partner, or a personal goal you desire more than food, God has a plan for your life – and it’s a healthy one!

Weight loss is never easy.That should give you a sense of accomplishment and discipline. You’re beginning to feel vibrant and alive! Why go back to an unhealthy lifestyle? Why buy a ticket on that merry-go-round again?

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Adding Joy in the Midst of Weight Loss

Tell me, when did life cease to become a game to you?  When was the last time you played simply for the pure joy in it?

Everyone became so serious! “Well, have you seen what’s going on in the world today? Financial ruin, natural disasters, tragedies everywhere . . .”   Sure, I have. I’ve also read the last page of the Bible and I understand that no matter what man does to me, I am under God’s Will and face eternity with Him. I anchor my life to Christ and it makes this Christian smile.

Philippians 4:11 professes, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

God will not withhold any good thing from us (Psalm 84:11) and absolutely desires that we lead a joyful life.

What does that have to do with weight loss???  Stress adds weight, so find a way to de-stress. Find JOY!  PLAY! SMILE!  LAUGH! Joy brings contentment in all situations.

When we were kids, we played for the sheer pleasure of it. We ran, climbed trees, rode bikes, played ball . . .  I worry about this generation who sit in front of computer screens playing games and aren’t outside. Fresh air releases endorphins that uplift the spirit. Also breathing through your nose produces a short-lived gas named nitric oxide which reduces stress, creates younger-looking skin, greater memory, and even better hair. Amazing, just by breathing deeply through your nose.

How does one take strides to find joy?  First thank God for your many blessings. There’s always something to praise Him for! Then find ways to play! Make life a game even in your weight loss endeavors.

  1. Remember when you were a kid and your parents placed your artwork on the refrigerator? It was your proudest accomplishment!  When did we stop rewarding ourselves for a job well done?  Get colorful stars and for every small victory, you overcome, (walking the golf course instead of riding) place a star on your graph. (College coaches place stars on their player’s helmets.)
  2. Speaking of graphs, create a weight loss one. Line off graph paper with weekly dates across the top and pounds lost down the side. For every five pounds lost, reward yourself with a non-food item. Color it in solid and you’ll observe your achievements as you see it filling in.
  3. Make exercise fun again. Dance, swim, play tennis, hike, or Zumba. Create active games with your children, like making snow forts and snowmen, piling leaves, and playing catch.
  4. Talk yourself into success by creating mind-games.  For example, I really wasn’t excited about exercising the other morning. Okay, I told myself, I’ll simply have a shorter exercise period this morning. I worked out for five minutes and thought, Okay, I can continue a few minutes longer – by the time we finished I had exercised through my normal routine. It felt so good to conquer my reluctance.
  5. Take a photo of yourself as you are right now, today. Put it aside and don’t look at it again until a month from now.  Chances are when you see it again, you’ll notice your face is thinner and you’re achieving a more defined waistline. Put it away for another month and reward yourself with a non-food item: DVD, nail polish, cologne, pocketbook . . . reward success!
  6. Find something tangible like a belt and mark off the inside as you see it decrease in size. You’ve won again – you get another non-food prize.

Life on earth is a series of actions/reactions until we reach our final destination. You only have one earthly life; is it your healhiest life? Make It Victorious!

“But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”  (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Which Life Would You Choose?

Imagine a world where corruption runs rampant. Rightful living is ridiculed, wrong has been deemed right, dishonest rulers run the country, murders occur in the streets, parents kill their babies, sexual immorality is prevalent, stealing is ignored, and lying is accepted as truth. Would you choose to reside here?

This is the world in which Noah’s wife lived. (How many thought I was speaking of today’s world?)

Noah’s wife is not named in Scripture, but we can learn much from her example.

She was a strong woman, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

After Adam’s fall, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics had kicked in. Everything began deteriorating, yet the human race still lived hundreds of years. Noah was 500 years old when God instructed him to build the Ark and I’m confident his wife wasn’t much younger. They most likely had many more children, yet only three sons and their wives entered the Ark.

It had never rained on the earth and a canopy enveloped the world. Sure, there were boats for transportation, and Noah’s family most likely lived along a river. But God had asked Noah to build a boat so large that nothing larger was constructed until the mid-1850s.

Imagine the abuse Noah’s wife endured as her husband was ridiculed for 120 years! “Where’s Noah gonna float that monstrosity, honey? The river ain’t that big!”  “Send him off to the funny farm and come live with me!”

Every woman wants her husband to be respected. To stand by and accept this abuse heaped upon Noah must have been embarrassing. In today’s world, most wives would have simply divorced and moved on to someone else. Why did she remain? Because she had faith! She knew God called her family to great responsibility. She preferred to be a supportive wife and trust God.

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.” (Psalm 118:8)

I’m sure she worked alongside Noah in some capacity, whether it was to feed her family or work at the construction site. We don’t know if she entirely understood what was to come. She probably knew it would not be easy, but I doubt she envisioned an entirely different world environment.

Did she endure sleepless nights or sleep peacefully knowing she was in the will of God?

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

How many sleepless nights have you have you endured when you weren’t following what the LORD has instructed you in Scripture? When we’re at peace, we have nothing to fear, and perfect love casts out fear.

Even if she had no other children, she had friends, acquaintances, aunts, uncles, perhaps even a mother and father who would be left behind. Did she warn them of what was to come? I’m quite sure she attempted to, but they failed to comprehend or accept the salvation the Ark represented. How heartbreaking!

In today’s world, how many accept that our nation is over the edge too and we need to turn to Christ, our Salvation?

Whether today’s population is rebellious, apathetic, or simply enjoying the world’s lifestyle, have we warned them of the destruction coming when we are out of the Will of God? Have you invited friends to church, only to hear: “Sorry, my kids have soccer practice Sunday mornings.” “No thanks, not my thing.” “Hahaha, God would turn over in his grave if I walked into a church.”

When God shut the door to the Ark, that was it. There were no second chances for anyone left on earth. Eternity is not the big sleep. You are eternally awake, rejoicing in Heaven or suffering a fiery, regretful existence in Hell forever!

Today choose who you will serve. Become a New Creation and chose to enter the Ark of Christ.


Restoring Hope (A Casey Conrad Sequel)

How did you spend your quarantined year? For me, dear friends and followers, I concentrated on my writing endeavors. I guess this 2020 project could be filed under “If we can’t play outside with our playmates – make up imaginary ones!” 

And so I did!  Therefore, I am pleased to announce the launching of my newest novel, “Restoring Hope (A Casey Conrad Sequel) by Ellie Marrandette

As a parent, what lengths would go to, to restore joy to the one you love? Restoring Hope is a feel-good novel about love and redemption based on my Christian values and counseling career.

Below is the book blurb:



Renown LPGA golfer, Casey Conrad, is married to her career. Overcoming a tragic childhood, golf became her redemption. She now aspires to use the skills she learned to give back. Her dream is to create an Academy as a safe-haven for underprivileged, inner-city girls. “Golf transcends life,” she testifies. “It instills discipline, integrity and moral values.”

Hope Morgan, a rebellious teenager, feels abandoned by those claiming to love her. How can they love me when they keep sending me away? Everyone lies!  Adopted at birth, residing in a wealthy home, she has everything but what she desires most – a place to belong.

Ryan Morgan had always wanted to be a father. A product of a middle-class upbringing, he grew up amid hard work and godly values. Wealth and privilege were nothing he desired until he met Angelina Rappaport, the daughter of a prominent investment banker. Marrying into a lifestyle he knew little of, he quickly felt like an outsider.

After a tragedy occurs, Ryan moves with his daughter to Charleston, South Carolina, to begin a new life. Now his only desire is to restore his daughter to the joyful, spirited girl he remembers.

Three different victims, many different scenarios. Will a father’s love prevail, can another young girl find redemption and will a dream be fulfilled?”


WordPress has changed their website while I’ve been away. The best I can do for a link right now is: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08N6Y84M2  Hopefully, I can figure out how to edit this later. At least this will link you to the page. The book is available in ebook format for $2.99.

Here are some of my other works:


“Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese” (Nutritional and Life Lessons God Teaches Us)    Paperback and ebook format


Sometimes Marriage is a Real Crime 

Casey’s Journal   

“The Curious Proposal for Prosperity, Nevada” (Novella)

Thank you my friends, I very much appreciate your support and any word-of-mouth advertising you can provide.  Blessings back, Ellie


The Garbage Truck

Change Therapy

David Pollay was in a New York City taxi cab and here’s what happened to him.

“I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, the car skidded, the tires squealed, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch from the other car’s back-end. I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. How do I know? Ask any New Yorker, some words in New York come with a special face. And he even threw in a one finger salute!…

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The Color of Love

I had no intention of falling in love. But there he was.

At a huge outdoor market one spring day, I nonchalantly walked by the large open pen where most of his brothers and sisters lay sleeping. At first I simply checked them all out as they played and slept.  Aah, who doesn’t love puppies? I thought. Yeah, so cute but so much work. Feeding, walking, grooming, vet bills . . . It’s a long term commitment!

Don’t get attached, just walk away, Ellie, walk away. I failed to heed my own advice. 

There were some very pretty puppies of many different colors, but one in particular, happened to catch my eye. He was white with large black eyes, a black nose and one floppy brown ear. Eight weeks old. Oh, but he’s so precious!!!

At first, he just observed me with those curious black eyes. It looked like he had just woken up. Then, as he watched me, his tiny tongue began flicking in and out. Then his little tail slowly began wagging back and forth. Suddenly he pounced upward, happily bouncing against the side of the pen on two legs, smiling, begging for attention – all while his little tongue was moving a mile a minute, longing for kisses and attention.

Aren’t we all searching for attention and love?

Nope, I had no intention of falling in love. But there he was . . . and yes, I did. Do you think I cared whether he was white, tan, brown, red or black? Would you?

I fell in love with a happy-go-lucky, friendly, intelligent, kind and sweet little dog. His character was more important to me than his fur color or his pedigree. Four and a half years later, he still instills joy into our lives.

When I meet someone new, I look at their smile, kindness, integrity and enthusiasm for life – which is all part of their character. I admit, I have little patience with those those who stir up dissension and I despise injustice, negativity and stupidity.

Which brings me to the spiritual aspect of New Creations Ministries. How are we to treat others?

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

When God looks down on us, do you think He cares what color we are? How prestigious our heritage? Our job title? I doubt it very much. When God looks at us, He sees our heart and cares about our character, not our skin color. Jesus himself was not a blue-eyed Caucasian and he didn’t look like George Clooney.

“For God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11)

God doesn’t play favorites and neither should we. We are all His children and created in His image. Bring religious education and at least the Bible back into schools again and we might save the next generation. Our US Constitution does not proclaim Freedom FROM Religion, only Freedom OF Religion. Disagree? Search out Truth.

God cares about our character so much He sent His only Son to die on the cross for ALL mankind! That’s LOVE and it has no color. How many young people today realize that? Oh, you say, “I wouldn’t want to force religion on my children. I let them choose.”  Well okay. how is THAT working out for us???

Real love is a demonstration of it!

Are We Becoming a Wasteland?

“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the LORD. (Amos 8:11)

I must have finally become “old” for I am longing for the good old days. I remember a time in the 1950s when my grandfather declared that Rock and Roll was destroying today’s youth! Now those songs seem so innocent compared to the Rap, Rock and even Country lyrics heard today.

I know we tend to build on memory and make the past better than it was, but I don’t recall a previous time when civility was as out of control as it is today! Even during two terrible world wars, most people still had respect for one another.

Not today. And even in the ’50s and ’60s, when there were strip clubs and pornography, it wasn’t blatantly viewed daily on television as we do now. Even during the angry generation of the 1960s, if a man swore in front of me, he’d immediately apologize afterwards. Now young men in stores casually drop f-bombs and think nothing of it. I have seen little girls go from wearing patent leather shoes to high heels and butt-exposing shorts with no regard to modesty, while her mom apparently approves because she’s wearing a matching outfit.

Heard nightly on the news, protest groups want to convert others to their radical “religion.” I ask you: ‘Why would we EVER want to become them? Their ways are neither loving nor uplifting.” And I am not only talking about radical religions in other countries but our own as well! When viewing someone’s unkind Christian remarks, what would make us desire their religion? I follow NO religion . . . I follow Christ!

In today’s world of apathy and depravity, how many long to hear the sweet words of our Lord? You’re right, not many. We have a great famine in our country and it’s not for lack of food. 66% of our country is overweight and don’t care! They’d rather follow a famous false diet guru than God’s healthy- living plan.

The famine I speak of is a famine for Moral Truth. Please don’ become an unthinking sheep wandering in a swamp of destruction. How much farther can our nation plummet into the muck before we’ll perish? Who has the courage to stand out with Godly Conviction, declaring “enough!” and lead us out of our pit?

Today we see so many children innocuous to suffering, either due to ignorance, (no one has shown them Jesus) apathy (which is the opposite of love) or blatant disregard for rules and regulations. After all, taking drugs isn’t hurting anyone else! Must I remind you that we don’t live in a vacuum? Everything we do affects someone else! It’s called the “Butterfly Effect.”

“They wouldn’t listen or pay attention but became obstinate, not listening or accepting discipline.” (Jeremiah 17:23)

I believe your neighbor is thirsting for the Word of God (and everyone is our neighbor!) All you have to do is speak out. I realize it’s scary at first to profess Christ, but it gets easier as Jesus controls your life. Pray for opportunities and they will come. Don’t be afraid – for won’t it be more embarrassing if before they are sentenced to an eternity in hell, they ask God, But why didn’t Ellie tell me about Christ? As Christians, remember we never stand alone! Put on that full Armor of God and don’t hesitate to spread the Word of Truth!


Is the SBC’s Tent Big Enough for ALL Marginalized Christian Women?

What a powerful post linking the correlation between sound Christian doctrine and sound nutritional teaching. Michelle Lesley is a powerful Christian writer. I respect her for she stands courageously for Truth and so do I. I praise God for her strong testimony for the Lord.

As a Christian nutritional counselor I profess physiological truth when it comes to health. Sadly there are many more in this world who will follow what their “itching ears want to hear” than will follow Spiritual and physiological Truth.

Case in point: I’m not sure if you noticed the headline advertising “hot dog water” recently on the news lately? This hot dog water was being sold for $38 a tube – hopefully as a joke, but touted for weight loss. I’m not sure how many people actually bought it but in the mid 1990s, 41 signed up for Oprah’s fake hot dog and ice cream diet in two days! “itchy ears” again.

If I sold and promoted junk food as a weight loss program, I’d be rich by now. I continually battle false diet teachers who have a celebrity name or have a doctorate who profess unhealthy , unrealistic, quick weight loss, eliminating food groups and outright untruths to sell product. But professing the truth of Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:3 and 1 Corinthains 10:23 as a legitimate health plan, doesn’t make one wealthy. I will continue to write and stand for mental, physical and spiritual interity, truth, praying you wil never become a sheep following blindly. Seek and hunger after the Word of God always, blessings,

Michelle Lesley

It started with Paige Patterson’s gobsmackingly horrible and unbiblical advice to an abused to wife to return to her husband. Then it was the lurid remarks he made about a teenage girl, with which he regaled a congregation during a sermon. Next came the allegations of his mishandling of two separate sexual assault cases at two different seminaries.

In response to all this turmoil, Beth Moore added to the conversation some vague stories of various unnamed men in Christian circles who had, in her perception, condescended to her or otherwise not treated her as an equal, leaving the impression that there is widespread, systemic misogyny within modern evangelicalism. Jen Wilkin, from a more biblical – yet, troublingly, similarly vague – perspective, joined the chorus, and has been afforded a wider audience for the “they can’t be pastors, natch, but we need more women in church leadership” platform she…

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Thank You for the Light of the World Award

I’d like to extend a special thank you to http://www.hisperfecttiming.blog   for a very special award given to those blogs “whose presence on the web serves as a shining light for Christ and His Gospel of salvation.”  That’s quite an honor, thank you! I have been truly blessed via the internet to obtain many wonderful followers who have become very close friends. She is certainly one of them.

This lovely award, created by Joe Rodriguez of Lighthouse Devotions,  http://www.lighthousedevotions.blog  (one of the rules is to mention him in your prepared acceptance post.) So thank you Joe for creating an encouraging award. All who post this to our site strive to motivate others to become their best self, pleasing to our Lord.

The Rules for Acceptance:

  1. Save and add the award image (pictured here) on your blog.
  2. Create a page/post to mention the award nomination and thank the person/blog that nominated you. Make sure you provide a link to their site.
  3. Give credit to the creator of the award (Lighthouse Devotions) and provide a link to the site as well. (http://www.Lighthousedevotions.blog)
  4. List the rules.
  5. Answer the next four questions on the same post:
    What three words would you use to describe your blog?
    In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?
    What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?
    What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.
  6. Nominate 7 or more people/blogs to receive the award. Briefly explain why you think they should receive it and provide a link to their sites.
  7. Contact them and let them know that you nominated them.
  8. Provide them with a link to the Rules page.
  9. Say a prayer thanking God for His light and ask that He continue to shine it through you and your blog.
  10. Keep shining the light of Christ wherever you go and in whatever you do!

Here are my answers to His Perfect Timing’s questions:

1. What three words would you use to describe your blog?

“Biblical Nutritional Truth”  There are so many false diet gurus out in the world today who profess a false dietary doctrine which contradicts God’s Word of physiological Truth. Don’t believe everything your “itchy ears” want to hear simply because it sounds easy and quick!

2. In what way(s) can a Christian shine for Christ?

One way is to present our bodies as living sacrifices, practicing self-control over food cravings. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.”  (Romans 12:1)

3. What bible verse (quote it) talks about being a light in a dark and lost world?

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  (Psalm 119:105)

Many people are in the dark about what constitutes a sensible daily diet. That path can literally lead to one of destruction through dangerously high cholesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes and even cancers.

I urge you to discover what God already knows and has encouraged us to follow, a common-sense physiological pathway – which He laid down in Genesis 1:29 & 9:3 – for that way leads to a healthier lifestyle.

4. What Christian song do you know that has the word “light” in it? Provide a link if available.

Perhaps Chris Rice, “Go Light Your World.” By exhibiting a strong Christian testimony, others seek what you have.

Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world

My nominations in no particular order and I love everyone of my 3200+ followers:

  1. Matthew Winters, Comeback Pastor  https://mdw4christ.wordpress.com  His Biblical insight is soooo incredible, that I’ve sent many links to my pastor husband.
  2.  Yelobird, Tammy of  http://www.yelobrd777.com   Her prayerful encouragement never failed to bring peace to my soul, She’s not only my wonderful sister in Christ, but also my personal prayer warrior!
  3. Randy, another wonderful pastor friend who provides Wisdom in all his posts which is an encouragement to me.  https://kingdompastor.wordpress.com/ The world needs more strong, intelligent Biblical pastors like Randy and Matthew!
  4. Wendy Endaya of   https://harvestofhealing.wordpress.com    My gosh, I know if she lived in my town, I’d be over at her house daily for Christian fellowship! I thank her for her prayers of encouragement as we endured tough times recently.
  5. Bob Clark posts on Facebook: https://plus.google.com/+RobertClarke He is always is there with an intelligent comment attached to a Scripture verse and he knows nutrition!!!
  6. Lisa Riehm, another strong-minded Christian woman who physically struggles with Lyme disease. You’d never know it however, for her positive attitude is an inspiration to all!  https://thewhisperwithin.live
  7. Sheila, my Christian Outreach friend in Italy (the gorgeous city view on her site is worth the click alone!)  https://sheilascorziello.com.   My heart broke when we couldn’t meet after my Italian missionary trip was canceled. But if not soon, I know we will eventually

“I thank my God every time I remember you.”  (Philippians 1:3)