Tag Archive | Christian health

Are You Hungrier After Drinking Sodas?

Although we live under Grace in this age and can pretty much do as we please with our physical bodies, we would do well to note that bodies are NOT our own. We were bought at a price.

Christians are urged to not be a slave to any idol, even food. So why do some crave colas and other sugary drinks while others won’t touch the stuff?

It is a scientific fact that God designed each of us with a slightly different chemical make-up. It’s called DNA. Due to the fact that were are all chemically unique, our brains crave different nutrients. That’s why some crave saltier items like pretzels or potato chips while others crave chocolate and sweets.

Physically speaking, some crave food for needed energy. If you’ve been overworked or overstressed, your body wants instant energy and sugar and caffeine restore your energy level quickly. Sugars are released in your body in about 15 minutes. (Green tea is a nutrient-dense energy substitute.)

Caffeine is also a drug and although okay in moderation, is addictive and washes away valuable B vitamins and other valuable nutrients. Lacking nutrients, your body nags for fuel and you’re hungry again. It’s a vicious cycle.

If you consume a nutritionally balanced diet, you are naturally more energetic and derive your chemical energy from whole foods. Therefore consuming junk food isn’t a desirable practice.

But why do some become addicted to Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) and Sucralose (Splenda) drinks?

These products change brain/body chemistry, raising blood sugar levels, and producing miserable side effects. Personally, having experienced adverse reactions, I totally avoid them. And I’m not alone as many of my patients have complained of shakiness, heart palpitations, skin rashes, stomach, and kidney pains after consuming any product containing these artificial sugars.

Artificial drinks also tend to make one hungrier. There seems to be connections between the ghrelin – leptin hormonal metabolic insulin response. Ghrelin is the hormone that tells you you’re hungry while Leptin shuts off the “I’m hungry” response.

Recent scientific studies have shown that  these chemicals can interfere with the leptin cut off lever, leaving a person desiring more food. That’s the reason sometimes one can’t stop at one potato chip.

So if artificial sugars defeat the purpose of losing weight, then why risk additional health concerns by using these chemically produced items you can’t pronounce? The body doesn’t recognize these chemicals as food, therefore it cannot detoxify them so they fester in your liver forever.

Still crave cokes?  We all eat for emotional reasons as well as physical. It could be a comfort response too. That’s why certain foods such as chocolate, ice cream and mac and cheese are called “comfort” foods.

If you shared sodas with friends when younger, you might miss those friendships. Drinking a coke brings back a great memory! Or it simply makes you feel happy – and who wants to give up THAT feeling? By the way, I create my own sodas with carbonated flavored water (without artificial sweeteners) with a good quality fruit juice. Refreshing and it contains a few nutrients.

Bottom line: I urge you not to believe false advertising which only benefits the manufacturers of these products. These people don’t care about your body as God does. Aspartame and Splenda were created by chemists. My food was created by God. Before you purchase, research the ingredients.  If you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it!

Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own for you have been bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthian 6:19,20)

Hair – Your Crowning Glory

Please indulge me today for posting an article that addresses primarily a woman’s issue. Although more and more men are being targeted in haircare products today.

Why does the world look upon a man’s gray hair as distinguished but a woman’s . . .  meh, not so much.

Over the years I’ve done everything wrong regarding my hair. Washed it every day, fried it with the hottest hair settings, teased, permed, and colored it orange. All were popular in the 80s.

Hair is supposed to be a woman’s shining glory.

As the saying goes, “When we know better, we do better.”

If your hair starts thinning, (and this includes a man’s too) I have a great solution to the problem. I read an intriguing article from a fellow blogging friend a couple of years ago. (Sorry, I wish I could remember who.) She recommended a generic product called Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

I always like to try new items. The shampoo version is usually found at any department or drug store and isn’t expensive. I used Jamaican Black Castor Oil directly on my scalp. Rub a teaspoon amount into your hair and scalp and wait for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before using your normal shampoo. The oil is thick but wash’s out with shampooing.

A few months later, my hair stylist, looked at my hair and remarked, “Ellie, what are you doing?” She picked up the top of my hair and said, “I’d never cut your hair this short. This is all new growth.” Sure enough, today I’ve reduced my hair part and my hair’s thicker and stronger.

Is this important? It is to most women. What does God say about our appearance?

“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16: 31)

But also: “Don’t let your beauty consist of outward things like elaborate hairstyles and wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes.” (1 Peter 3:3)

Look at many “Influencers” today, gorgeous people with potty mouths. They aren’t sincerely happy nor beautiful in God’s Eyes for True Beauty comes from within.

As in many truths in life, a happy person is a healthy person. If you’ve ever had your hair analyzed, it’s quite revealing. Our hair confirms how healthy we are.

Therefore, Eat For Nutrients!

Good fats are a necessity for shining, lustrous hair. If your hair is thinning, reconsider your diet. Good fats include avocados, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, milled flaxseed, almonds, extra virgin olive oil, and olives. A bit of real butter, walnuts, and even a daily ounce of dark chocolate will satisfy you.

Ensure that you are eating a colorful diet. Various nutrients serve specific purposes. It’s easy to research these on Google. Some of the best vitamins and minerals for hair are biotin, zinc, C, D, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids These will enrich the scalp, hair follicles, and texture.

You’ll have healthy, shiny hair by using a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar and 3 parts water. Use this mixture once a month after you shampoo and condition your hair. This will rid the hair of the product build-up you’ve absorbed. You’ll be amazed at how soft and shiny your hair becomes.

Another suggestion I was given (but haven’t used yet) was to mix a bit of baking soda (a teaspoon) into your shampoo. After rinsing, you might discover the same result.

And speaking of showering, don’t use extremely hot water to wash your hair. Use low settings on blow dryers, curling, and flat irons so your hair won’t look dry and frizzy. This is especially destructive if a woman colors her hair.

Of course, it won’t happen overnight but if we don’t start, we’ll never succeed. Become successful!

Why Water is Essential for Healthier Living!


The weather is turning hotter. That means we should increase our water intake. In fact, it’s essential. One can’t have a healthy lifestyle without it. Whether it’s to lose weight or avoid illnesses, water is essential for healthier physiology.

When I asked my patients to increase their water intake, sometimes they’d roll their eyes. “I know, I know,” they whined, “water makes us feel fuller.” Actually, drinking water doesn’t make me feel full for long, does it for you?

However, water is the magical elixir for optimum health and I’ll explain why. Our God is a God of balance and doesn’t make mistakes! He’s created us well. More is not better and homeostasis (balance) is the key to true health.

Occasionally, someone might challenge me with “What about that woman in 1934 who died because she drank too much water???” (Obscure example of course, and once again – balance is key.

There are important physiological reasons why we should consume water!

  1. Our body is comprised of at least 70-75% water. Our brain: 75%. H2O – the “O” stands for oxygen of course. Oxygen transports energy. Oxygen helps the brain produce neurotransmitters and hormones. We won’t have as much brain fog so prevalent as we age if we hydrate more.
  2. Unfortunately, cell performance deteriorates as we age. It’s the Second Law of Thermodynamics – everything’s winding down. Water fights off aging. You’ll have fewer headaches, be less tired and cranky, retain mental capacity, blood pressure will be regulated and constipation won’t be an issue. Those who consume water have a more fluid, youthful, steady gait. Our knees and joints are safely cushioned; surrounded by water.
  3. Since water allows the kidneys to do their job of filtering out toxins, it makes our pH less acidic. We’re sick less often.
  4. One of the most important responsibilities of the liver is to metabolize fat. When one doesn’t drink enough water, the liver has to step in, doing the work of the kidneys and thus cannot do its primary job. Therefore, the body gets fatter.

I’ve used this illustration often but it’s important enough to repeat here:

Suppose one of your co-workers fails to come to work. The boss says you’ll be required to do that employee’s work along with your own. What happens? Your desk piles up with unfinished business, and your work doesn’t get done! That’s the symbiotic relationship the liver has with the kidneys.

  1. Water transports nutrients and eliminates toxins. Electrolytes can then move messages efficiently. The accumulation of toxins places undo stress on the body, going into survival mode. (Survival mode slows down metabolism!) Blood begins to flow toward our outer extremities in our “fight or flight” mentality; away from our digestive system, virtually shutting it down.
  2. Water cushions our vital organs, acting as a shock absorber. Once again, lack of water produces bodily stress. Water provides oxygen and therefore assists the energy cells: (mitochondria) in energizing our body. If we are dehydrated our blood pressure increases, our urine is darker, and we feel sluggish, and dull-headed.
  3. Drink pure water – it takes metabolism longer to break down elements added to water. Cold water increases metabolism a bit. (Keep a pitcher of water/lemon in the fridge.) Warm beverages are comforting, a stress reliever.
  4. Of course, there are other side benefits as well. Water plumps up our skin and keeps us looking younger. Who doesn’t want to look younger? If we fail to hydrate, we fail to rid our skin of toxins and dry skin, acne, wrinkles, and sun spots increase.

Therefore, consuming water gives us not only a young-at-heart attitude but a younger spirit as well. Thank you, God, for H2O!

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 14:14)

The Acidic/Alkaline Balance Challenge

If your physician has prescribed an ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ would you know what to eat?  Probably not. It’s one of those  “dog year” questions (relatable in practical terms.) It has to do with the pH scale’s acidic/alkaline relationship.  The more acidic one is, the more prone to illness one becomes.

Imagine the pH scale being in a straight line from 1-14.  7 is neutral, (like pure water.) 1 is acidic, (like battery acid) and anything above is considered alkaline.  Balance is what it’s all about. Try to maintain a pH of around 7.3 – 7.4.

What causes inflammation? Stress is a major contributor and in today’s world who isn’t under stress? Find ways to relieve daily stress through exercise, relaxing bubble baths, soft music, fresh air, massages or anything that calms you besides food.

The anti-inflammatory diet isn’t a “diet” as much as a lifestyle choice. One thing is certain, however, not addressing your health concerns will only create larger ones down the road! Chronic inflammation is dangerous! It is not a “little” problem if you ignore will simply go away. Chronic inflammation can eventually cause intense health issues including heart disease, IBS, colitis, arthritis, dementia, kidney disease, and cancers.

A healthy anti-inflammatory diet is on the alkaline side of the pH scale. It primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and whole grains such as oats, quinoa, brown rice, and buckwheat (Kashi).  In truth, if you eat as God instructed Adam in the Garden of Eden, you’ll add a lot more life in your years.

Coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks are incredibly acidic so cut down. Increase your water intake with lemon. Although you’ll notice lemon and vinegar is acidic on the pH scale, each actually metabolizes into an alkaline food. (God knew it all the time!)

Every meat is acidic, especially processed meats with dyes and chemicals such as cold cuts, bacon or hot dogs, so consume lean protein like fish, chicken, sirloin, and pork loin.

Sugar and artificial chemically treated foods are highly acidic. Unfortunately, so are the nightshade plants like tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant. This doesn’t mean you must give them up entirely, but only consume occasionally. Balance is the key here.

Wheat, unfortunately, is on the acidic side of the scale. However whole wheat contains a great deal of fiber, so only avoid enriched breads and balance whole wheat products with more fruits and vegetables. Try to consume fiber-rich vegetables like sweet potatoes, corn, squash, alfalfa, beans, and lentils. The fiber helps remove toxins from your system and avoids damaging inflammation. Increase water consumption also.

One characteristic of the anti-inflammatory diet is the recommended inclusion of omega-rich fatty acids, especially omega 3’s. These consist of milled flaxseed, walnuts, olive oil (best-used cold), avocados, and good fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines.

Avoid salt and choose to flavor your foods with healthy herbs. Garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and capsaicin are especially helpful with their anti-inflammatory properties!  And don’t worry about not enjoying any treats either. Good dark chocolate contains a lot of antioxidants as does a glass of red wine.

Do you see the pattern here? You can enjoy so much more than you thought you could! Simply eat healthier and consume more whole foods to rid yourself of the artificially flavored, chemically processed boxed foods you might pick up at the supermarket for “convenience.” There is nothing convenient about pain and inflammation! Strive for a happier, healthier lifestyle.

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Overcoming Sabatage Situations

Have you encountered these situations?

Food saboteurs might be lurking all around you. Virtually all social situations present challenges regarding remaining faithful to a weight loss plan. Arm yourself for any upcoming grand social occasion with some practical ways to resist saboteurs.

“But I Baked This Just for You!”     

Do you believe that sometimes you are lost in a universe of saboteurs just as the Robinson family was in the 1960s television series, Lost in Space? Is “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!!!” running through your head right now?

Think about this possible family scenario:  Aunt Esmeralda remarks during dinner, “Andrea, save room for dessert because I made your favorite chocolate cherry pie!”

So now the guilt feelings start emerging.  How do I get out of this? I’d love to have a slice but my weight loss is going so well. I’m remaing so self-disciplined, I can’t give in!

If you are a “people-pleaser,” you would rather hurt yourself than someone’s feelings, so you will probably eat it.  Let me ask you if you were a recovering drug addict and someone came to you and cajoled, “But I bought this cocaine just for you!” would you take it? Hopefully not. Why? Because it would destroy your healthy-living goal and wreck your godly temple, thus grieving the Holy Spirit, that’s why! Common sense!

The pie itself isn’t wrong to eat. It’s how we react to food that’s the key. Who is in control: your brain or your emotions? Your weight goal motivation or the pie?

Here are some strategies to overcome this temptation:

First, acknowledge your aunt’s kindness because I doubt her intention was to sabotage you. Recognizing what she did was very considerate because, in her mind, it was. You can privately declare to Aunt Esmeralda, “What a thoughtful gesture! Would you mind if . . .” while already resolving to eat less stuffing, gravy, potatoes, candied yams, and rolls during dinner so you can eat a small sliver afterward. You’re exchanging carbohydrate and fat selections for another choice.

What you do not want to do is a state that you’re trying to get healthy because that might insult her, insinuating that her foods are unhealthy. It could even create a tirade of family protests, “You look great!” “You can’t lose anymore”  “You look gaunt!” inhibiting your restraint. Don’t believe your own publicity! (Are you feeling healthier and energetic? That means the most.)

If you decide to take a piece home, break the larger piece into smaller bites, freeze those and consume over several days. (Call your aunt and let her know how much you enjoyed it even more, the following day!) You probably will because you can savor the taste without feeling uncomfortable. Walk three miles the next day for an entire piece or two miles for a sliver. Remember, it’s your choice – you’re in control. Exercise it off, don’t wear it!

“It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,” (Titus 2:12)

Where there’s a will there’s a way.  You can incorporate these actions into any social scenario. Use the above strategies whether it’s a July 4th BBQ rib dinner or your favorite cake at a birthday party.

You can have your cheesecake and eat it too if you strategize beforehand. Life is a chess game. Be prepared, have a plan, and to be five steps ahead.  You’re conquering “self” and becoming a New Creation.

Where’s Christmas?

This post was written years ago when we lived up north. Sadly, it seems to be as much or even more appropriate today.


The beginning of December, I set out to find a small manger for a Christmas craft project. It could have been anything, on an ornament, a Christmas card, or even a figurine.

First, I went to the Dollar Store. I found nothing Christian but countless sets of Christmas cards with Santa and reindeer on them. Next, I went to Walmart (good luck there.) Nada. Then I walked through Home Depot – absolutely nothing Christian at all, but I could have purchased a red and green six-foot dragon . . . what that has to do with Christmas I’ve yet to figure out.

A few days later, still searching, I traveled to two shopping centers in another town. I checked out Michael’s craft store. The sweet girl acknowledged they used to carry them . . . but searching together, neither of us could find them anywhere. Neither did World Bazaar, J.C. Penny, or T.J. Maxx.

I thought Christian-run Hobby Lobby would undoubtedly carry a small manger scene, even if it was on a postcard! Yet once again, found nothing. I’m praying they were only sold out.

Finally, I found a Lifeway Christian bookstore. Aha! I thought, of course, I’ll find a manger scene here! And yes, I did! It was on a box of spiced apple cider. Desperate to find anything that might work, I purchased the over-priced drink mix, cut out the cardboard manger scene on the front, and pasted it on my craft project. (At least we’ll enjoy the beverage sometime during these cold winter months.)

Halfway through this hectic quest I felt like Charlie Brown, frustratingly asking where was Christmas??? I could find a plethora of Santa’s, sleighs, reindeer antlers, elf hats, chipmunks, cute bears and Grinch’s, but no Christ in Christmas!

Then I thought, at least I can find Christmas at church.  Absolutely! I’ll find Peace on Earth here during this Joyous Season. Instead, I found a church member fussing in public, running around fuming, complaining, blaming others because they felt overworked and unappreciated in their position. (Hey, if your position is primarily to please people and not our Lord, get your priorities straight!)

Then yesterday, as my husband and I were finalizing the Christmas gifts and food for four community families in need; getting ready to drop off our congregation’s many generous donations, I found it. Eureka!

THIS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT:  Christmas is about the Joy of Christ – blessing others, not ourselves. Bringing smiles and true Joy freely to others! A Free Gift.

As Jesus left his heavenly home to be born in Bethlehem, living as a man among us, he understood that completely. He beheld some petty frustrations of his friends and the slings and arrows of the Pharisees. He experienced the same feelings, joys, frustrations, challenges, and laughter that we do.  He gave of himself, unselfishly. He sacrificed EVERYTHING, his very life for our pettiness, grumpiness, busyness, and selfish human behavior. All we must do is accept it. That was the best GIFT he could ever give.

Parents -do your children know what is the real reason for Christmas?

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”   (John 3:16)

Wanna Lose Weight Faster?

People ask me all the time, “How can I lose weight faster?”

“Besides hard work, determination, and remaining self-disciplined?” I ask. “Well, I can think of one way: consume fiber.”

Why do I believe that consuming fiber is one of the most important factors in losing weight? I’ll explain. The common denominator in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is FIBER. No matter how tough that steak was last night, there’s no fiber in protein or fat. (But I bet it slowed the “fork down, spoon down” process, right?)

Most nutrients are dispersed through the digestive tract. If you fail to dispatch the proper nutrients, let’s say magnesium, your hypothalamus (your brain’s metabolic traffic cop) will nag you until it directs you to that scrumptious-magnesium-containing-piece-of-chocolate! By absorbing proper nutrients, it won’t . . .  unless you’re eating due to emotional reasons.

When you slow down the chewing process, enzymes are broken down and nutrients are absorbed/dispersed mostly through your small intestine. Having a clean digestive system will jump-start your metabolism.

Consider this illustration; if you have a garbage disposal in your home and nonchalantly threw scraps of food particles into it but never turned it on, what would happen?  It would build up, attract bugs and start to smell, yuk!  And then when it was finally turned on, it would start grinding so slowly that it might even stop if it was too clogged.  Then you would have to snake the trapped particles or use something to unclog it.

This is a description of how our intestinal system works as well. When one consumes a diet of meat, fats, junk food, and low-fiber foods, the intestines get clogged.  It’s harder to move those foods through the colon because food just kinda sits there.

Since our bodies can’t absorb nutrients that are vital to life, no amount of “dieting” will produce health! Your hypothalamus nags us to eat more food in search of much-needed nutrients, thus you eat more calories but absorb fewer nutrients.

Strive to eat more fiber and keep your entire system working on less!  You’ll have more energy, clearer skin, and less disease.

So what’s fiber?

God told Adam in Genesis 1:29 “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.”     Wow! How smart is God?!!!

There are two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Sometimes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains include combinations of both.

Soluble fiber; think of it as Liquid Plumr. It turns into a gel that helps lower our treacherous LDL cholesterol.  Think apples,  oranges, pears, beans, and oats, which are excellent sources of soluble fiber.  Soluble fiber keeps our blood sugar levels steady so it’s easier to stand up to temptations.

Insoluble fiber stays intact, it doesn’t break up as it travels through your system.  Think corn which basically exits intact. Fruit skins are insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber draws water into the intestines, making stools bulkier and easier to pass. It’s like Roto-Rooter.

If you ever dropped pizza crust or a piece of whole grain bread into the sink and watched it swell as the water touched it, that’s what happens to fiber in your system. Fiber expands, creating a feeling of fullness.

There are seven forms of fiber: pectin, bran, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, guns, and mucilage. I won’t bore you with all the details. Rest assured though, if you eat 60% of your daily calorie intake containing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you’ll reduce your risk of colon cancer, heart disease, constipation, obesity, hemorrhoids, and many other diseases. Remember, a man reaps what he sows, so strive to eat healthier!


  1. Increase fiber gradually.  Excessive fiber intake may decrease the absorption of zinc, iron, and calcium as well as promote more gas.
  2. Build up to 25-35 grams of fiber each day.  4 grams = 1 teaspoon.
  3. I highly recommend getting fiber from Mother Nature, not fiber laxatives due to possible electrolyte imbalance or laxative dependency.
  4. Take vitamin and mineral supplements separately from the fiber.


Living with Fibromyalgia

In 1991 as I began my nutritional counseling career, fibromyalgia (FMS) was just emerging onto the medical scene. When the doctors I worked for couldn’t determine a specific cause, they inevitably sent the patient to me.

As I sat and listened to their symptoms and heard their plea for help, it was truly frustrating for us both. There were no guidelines at that time and many doctors believed it to be a “psychological inducement caused by stress.”  Translation: “It’s in your head.”

The more I listened, the more convinced I was that FMS was not a myth. There seemed to be a connection among most patients: 80% of them worked around chemicals. They were hairstylists, manicurists, lab and pest control technicians, house cleaners, etc. which I found to be curious. The skin is the largest organ of the body. Doesn’t it seem reasonable that since the skin can breathe in toxins that remain in the muscles and joints, couldn’t fibromyalgia be a result of toxic build-up in the body?

Another possibility: FMS cases are increasing yearly. So are the chemical additives placed in foods found on grocery shelves! Is there a connection here? Just in case, I’d urge all to go back to the original “diet” plan God gave Adam. (Genesis 1:29) You’ll understand that God is smarter than we are.

As far as I know, to date, there is no cure for FMS but I pray there is hope, and here is what I humbly offer to fight it:

  1. Keep a food diary for at least a month. Track every food you place in your mouth. (Your health depends on it so don’t whine!) Circle any boxed, canned, or bagged food that contains dyes, chemical additives, or preservatives, and if your symptoms increase, don’t ever purchase these again.
  2. Increase your intake of purified, distilled water and lemon water. (Rid your diet of Splenda and chemically infused diet drinks. These are toxins.)
  3. Try juicing (but don’t forget fiber foods) and consume more alkaline foods. Use my search engine for posts on the pH scale.
  4. Wash all of your fruits and vegetables thoroughly! Even pre-washed packages contain some risk of pesticides. Increase organic foods if possible.
  5. Protect yourself with high antioxidant choices. Antioxidants protect the skin and will hopefully create a force field against outside pollutants.
  6. Increase fiber-rich choices. This will not only detoxify your body quickly by binding and removing toxins through the kidneys and liver but allow more protective nutrients to enter your bloodstream through the small intestine.
  7. Get out and walk! Fresh air releases endorphins and serotonin which improves the mood and reduces stress.

Change your diet. Search for the most powerful antioxidant foods available:

  1. Garlic, onions, and leeks all contain powerful chemicals which boost the immune system. I’ve written about this a lot. See any posts on healing foods.
  2. The friendly bacteria, acidophilus is found in natural, good quality yogurt. Mountain High, Stonyfield, Stony Farms, Yoplait Natural, and Fage, Greek (or any without additives) will fight the harmful bacteria in your system.
  3. Spicy foods release soothing neurotransmitters that calm pain. Try increasing hot spicy foods containing capsaicin, (cayenne pepper) or hot salsas, peppers, horseradish, and wasabi.
  4. Chlorophyll will boost immune-fighting properties. This includes alfalfa, kelp, spinach, kale, broccoli, or wheat grass. All green foods contain chlorophyll. (but NO! Not moldy cheese.)

Lastly, it is not only “in your head.” Sometimes it’s in your heart too, for it takes Herculean effort to remain upbeat when in pain.  I urge you to surround yourself with TRUE friends who will accept you as you are! God will never abandon you.

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4

What is Your Isaac?

What would you do if God asked you to offer a heart-wrenching sacrifice?

God asked Abraham to do the unthinkable, sacrifice his most cherished possession, Isaac, on an altar to God. How Abraham must have been in torment those 3 days traveling to Mount Mariah. But he trusted God and knew he loved God even more than his beloved son.

Has God ever asked you to sacrifice?

If suddenly, God asked you to sell all your earthly goods and move to a foreign country and work as a missionary? Would you, do it?

That was us in 2005 when we felt called to the mission field. I had moved many times with my military linguist/golf pro/full-time Christian service husband. That included six wonderful years in Europe, so I loved adventure, meeting new people, and adapting to different cultures.

Giving up worldly goods was no problem. Twice we’ve sold everything we owned to travel the country in our RV. We thought we’d be perfect candidates to relocate overseas and serve the Lord.

There was only one deterrent. We discovered we’d have to give up our dogs. Would I be willing to do that??? After all, our pooches were family! Every time I gazed upon our sweet Cocker and ornery Lhasa, my eyes filled with tears. Oh, my dear God, please don’t ask that of me. Who would love them as much as we would – especially stubborn Jewel?

Each time, while walking our dogs, I prayed – my heart struggling over this sacrifice. During that time, however, we continued with the application.

Finally, I reconciled what I needed to do. Alright, LORD, I love you more than my precious pets. I’ll trust you’ll find a caring home with someone who will love them as much as we do.

Immediately, I felt at peace about my decision and eagerly anticipated the Mission Agency’s acceptance letter.

BOOM, the door closed!

“I’m sorry,” they replied, “but the Board feels you’re too old . . .”  Too OLD? How dare they?! We were in perfect health and only in our mid-50s! I’ll never be too OLD!!! Even at 100!!!

Then it dawned on me, this was my Isaac. God wanted to know where He stood in my life. My pets were my most cherished possessions. I was ready to sacrifice my Isaac to Him.

What is your Isaac? What is your most cherished possession? To some it’s their lifestyle, sports, business, money . . .  how about food? Ridiculous, you say? Not so fast.

Have you attended Sunday services simply for the coffee and donut social hour or after church luncheon? Have you looked at your watch and thought, wish he’d stop preaching before it’s too crowded at the restaurant!? Or: hope my pot roast hasn’t dried out by now.

“Their God was their belly. Their mind was set on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:19)

So, think of it this way: are you willing to present your body as a living sacrifice in every aspect of your life – including what you eat?

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)

God sacrificed His Son for you. Is it a sacrifice limiting sugary sweets, fattening processed foods, bacon cheeseburgers . . .? Isn’t honoring our earthly temple by sacrificing unhealthy food a small sacrifice compared to what God sacrificed for us?

Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:37)

Do you love God more than your belly? Silly question.

Which Life Would You Choose?

Imagine a world where corruption runs rampant. Rightful living is ridiculed, wrong has been deemed right, dishonest rulers run the country, murders occur in the streets, parents kill their babies, sexual immorality is prevalent, stealing is ignored, and lying is accepted as truth. Would you choose to reside here?

This is the world in which Noah’s wife lived. (How many thought I was speaking of today’s world?)

Noah’s wife is not named in Scripture, but we can learn much from her example.

She was a strong woman, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

After Adam’s fall, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics had kicked in. Everything began deteriorating, yet the human race still lived hundreds of years. Noah was 500 years old when God instructed him to build the Ark and I’m confident his wife wasn’t much younger. They most likely had many more children, yet only three sons and their wives entered the Ark.

It had never rained on the earth and a canopy enveloped the world. Sure, there were boats for transportation, and Noah’s family most likely lived along a river. But God had asked Noah to build a boat so large that nothing larger was constructed until the mid-1850s.

Imagine the abuse Noah’s wife endured as her husband was ridiculed for 120 years! “Where’s Noah gonna float that monstrosity, honey? The river ain’t that big!”  “Send him off to the funny farm and come live with me!”

Every woman wants her husband to be respected. To stand by and accept this abuse heaped upon Noah must have been embarrassing. In today’s world, most wives would have simply divorced and moved on to someone else. Why did she remain? Because she had faith! She knew God called her family to great responsibility. She preferred to be a supportive wife and trust God.

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.” (Psalm 118:8)

I’m sure she worked alongside Noah in some capacity, whether it was to feed her family or work at the construction site. We don’t know if she entirely understood what was to come. She probably knew it would not be easy, but I doubt she envisioned an entirely different world environment.

Did she endure sleepless nights or sleep peacefully knowing she was in the will of God?

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

How many sleepless nights have you have you endured when you weren’t following what the LORD has instructed you in Scripture? When we’re at peace, we have nothing to fear, and perfect love casts out fear.

Even if she had no other children, she had friends, acquaintances, aunts, uncles, perhaps even a mother and father who would be left behind. Did she warn them of what was to come? I’m quite sure she attempted to, but they failed to comprehend or accept the salvation the Ark represented. How heartbreaking!

In today’s world, how many accept that our nation is over the edge too and we need to turn to Christ, our Salvation?

Whether today’s population is rebellious, apathetic, or simply enjoying the world’s lifestyle, have we warned them of the destruction coming when we are out of the Will of God? Have you invited friends to church, only to hear: “Sorry, my kids have soccer practice Sunday mornings.” “No thanks, not my thing.” “Hahaha, God would turn over in his grave if I walked into a church.”

When God shut the door to the Ark, that was it. There were no second chances for anyone left on earth. Eternity is not the big sleep. You are eternally awake, rejoicing in Heaven or suffering a fiery, regretful existence in Hell forever!

Today choose who you will serve. Become a New Creation and chose to enter the Ark of Christ.