Avoid These Roadblocks Toward Health Goals

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

So what’s preventing you from reaching your health goal? You certainly know what to do: eat less junk, exercise more, slow down, drink water . . . you know the drill.  So if you want to become healthier, what prevents you?

Are you focusing only on the negative when exercising?th5UYXBEEE

Yes, its’ a long, tedious road but look how much you are learning along the way! You are becoming self-disciplined. Only you can lose this weight for only you live within the confines of your skin. As much as I want you to lose weight and get healthy, I can’t do it for you. Isn’t that similar to Salvation? Only you can accept God’s Grace and change your lifestyle.

Remain positive. Each day you are one day closer than you were yesterday. Find ways to make this endeavor fun! If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, then dance at home or walk through the park. Tennis, golf, biking, swimming, gardening – it’s all exercise. Music lifts the soul, so exercise to motivate music and just keep going, talking yourself into success.

Or do you believe in the Penance Principle? God is only satisfied when you suffer and expect restitution and personal flogging? God created you and realizes you will make mistakes. Not one of us is perfect. That’s why He sent His only Son to cleanse your mistakes if you allow Jesus to do so.

We don’t expect perfection from others so why do we expect it from ourselves?  It’s only a failure if you don’t learn from those mistakes or give up.

Are you suffering through disgusting, unappetizing foods?

God created so many colorful, wonderfully nutritionally diverse foods for us to enjoy so why endure a “twigs and sticks” diet?

There is a metabolic purpose in every food. Each contains nutrients that have different jobs. Choose a wide variety of foods and see how much more energy you have. Stop suffering needlessly because it never works. Your body rebels, in fact, the hypothalamus in your brain tries to influence what you need nutritionally so it can work effectively. Listen to it.

Man developed these myths that bananas, potatoes, bread, eggs, and other foods are bad for your health.  Where did that come from? From the diet guru who wants to make a mint on your gullibility. Don’t become a sheep. One’s brain is smarter than that. It knows what you need to generate energy. If you consume nutrient-dense selections, you’ll run like a well-built machine.

When challenges get tough, did you quit?

Were you like that all your life? When life got tough did you crawl into a hole, run away or shrug your shoulders in exasperation and exclaim, “Well I guess that’s the way God made me?” Well, STOP IT!  God encourages, the devil discourages so who put those thoughts in your head? Remember God says you CAN, so just do it already.  Exercise? The time you attempt to talk yourself out of it, you could have already walked around the block.

Do you start out with grandiose, unreachable goals?

If one starts out thinking he can lose 10 pounds of fat per week, it ain’t gonna happen, it’s physically impossible!  And then when you don’t reach a goal, it’s so discouraging you’ll believe it was your fault and all you need is more willpower. It’s not about willpower. That same willpower that prevents you from telling off your boss is the same willpower you tap into to keep going.

Small changes and goals are reachable, encourage and build confidence. The devil wants to destroy your temple of the Holy Spirit but God wants you to be a Healthy Warrior!

Stay strong, become successful.



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