Archive by Author | Ellie

Is It Our Responsibility or God’s?

Would God allow us to fail just for the sport of it?  For example, if we discovered we had a debilitating illness, would He pull the rug out from under us and provide no escape from it?  Would He taunt,”Haha, gotcha! That’ll teach ya to disobey!” 

Seriously, is that how you view Him? No, God always provides strength for those who seek Him. Whether we accept it is our choice.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

God desires only the best for us. But do we want what is best for us? Be honest, not always. We are a disobedient culture. Occasionally we self-destruct.  We give in to temptation and fail miserably. Temptations abound all around us! Satan loves to tempt Christians, hoping we’ll fail. It’s good sport to him.

God originally created a perfect, joyful life and He never wanted to take that away from us! Adam and Eve did that. I don’t know many people who are joyful when living outside life’s rules. Don’t become that spoiled child we see in a supermarket demanding treats! A life of strict rules and regulations isn’t much fun but neither is a chaotic life without boundaries.

We wouldn’t reverently pray, “God protect me as I travel today,” and then drive recklessly, without a seatbelt, through stop signs, expecting God to honor us.  As God’s children, He provides limits for a reason. If we stubbornly push beyond them, we risk danger due to our own choices.

Likewise, we must take responsibility for our own eating habits.

Look at how the Jewish nation was instructed to eat in the Old Testament.  Their culinary boundaries were the whole grains, fruits and vegetables mentioned in the Bible: Lamb, beef, fish, cucumbers, figs, raisins, melons, olives and olive oil, grapes, apples, wine, milk, honey, grains and Ezekiel bread. There wasn’t a chemically, hormone-added, preservative-based meal in the bounty He handed out!

Several patients have sat in my office and blamed God for their troubles. In my frustrated humanity, I’m thinking, God did this to you? Did God force you to consume two bacon cheeseburgers at lunch every day? And did He force you to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day? Take ownership of your choices! Don’t blame God for your personal decisions.

Please don’t get me wrong, sometimes genetics has something to do with it and it might be our unfortunate lot in life to inherit an illness from a family member’s DNA. But almost every illness can be traced back to what we consume nutritionally; diabetes, heart disease, liver, kidney damage, IBS, even cancers.

I praise God that He didn’t ask me to live in Old Testament times. I am not sure I could pass the test with all of its precise culinary rules, regulations and sacrifices as required. God banned certain foods and instructed Israel how to eat for sanitary reasons. Today we have refrigeration and sanitary oversights. However we also live in a world of grace– we get to choose, so choose what is best.



God Doesn’t Want You to Fail!

God takes no pleasure in our failure. He does not want us to suffer through some complicated weight loss scheme! Weight loss isn’t about denying oneself chocolate, cheese, eggs or even whole grain bread while consuming only rice cakes and celery. There is no need to suffer through some restrictive, unappetizing diet plan in the quest to get healthier.

Yet many dieters suffer through unnecessary dietary rules, regulations and tasteless choices. I call this the “penance principle.” In the effort to lose weight, some feel they must suffer through horribly tasting food and consume few calories to gain acceptance, thinking God will be pleased with their “sacrifice.”

God doesn’t desire sacrifice, He only wants your obedience: But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.”  (1 Samuel 15:22)

God already instructed us how and what to eat in Genesis 1:29: Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” And then after the flood in Genesis 9:3, mankind began to eat meat: “Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”

In the process of imbibing a restricted, low-calorie diet, vital nutrients, muscle tissue and energy are lost. Follow a sensible diet such as the Dash, Mediterranean,  or Volumetrics Diet.

True health is about nutritional practicality, physiology and our emotional attachment to food and as I’ve proclaimed to my patients: “Life’s too short to eat bad cheese!” God doesn’t want you to settle for second best so neither do I.

Life is a never-ending research project. Every day on the internet you’ll read about new research on diets and biological health. Some studies are based on physiological facts but others on evolutionary garbage created by man and not based on Biblical Truth. Base your diet on Genesis 1:29 and Genesis 9:3.

Create a Positive Attitude: 

It is amazing how the mind can be one’s most motivational cheerleader and friend one moment and in a blink of an eye, be its worst enemy. One’s mind can build up – but also break down a person so emotionally that they hide their subconscious thoughts behind closed doors in a far-off corner of the brain.

Sometimes it’s simply too painful to unlock those memories to view them honestly. We build emotional walls of untruthful statements such as “I’m a failure,” “I knew I couldn’t do it,” “Maybe my teacher is right, I’m stupid.”

No wonder we search for ways to self-medicate with feel-good chemicals that blot out emotional pain. Addictive chemicals found in drugs, alcohol, smoking or even chocolate, ice cream, donuts and spicy foods like spicy salsa can diminish our inner pain, providing comfort.

But through it all know this: God loves you. He created you before the world was created. He knows you individually and how much you can endure and will not provide more than you can bear. You are unique to God. We all react differently to provocations and pain. He has provided a way out if we desire it.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)

Place your challenges in God’s Hands.

“I’m What???” The Diet Personality Test Concludes

“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?” (Galatians 5:7)

We’ve come to the end of our Personality test results. We are complicated personalities so you’ve probably seen yourself in several already.

Here is the conclusion from January 3rd’s post:

If you are #10: very thrifty or #11: very regimented/organized – congratulations you win a prize!

Your personality is disciplined, sensible, and strictly follows instructions when you understand the reason why. If you are given reasonable tasks, your self-esteem will propel you onward. However, if you don’t understand the reasoning behind the action, you’ll become frustrated and search for another teacher.

This personality responds best to practical examples. You ask questions that keep teachers on their toes. You need to know how instructions apply to your life.

Paying for an expensive meal package plan wouldn’t last long because you don’t waste money. You think I can make this better for less!

The downside to this personality is that you have no patience with people who don’t succeed, even yourself. You believe you have no willpower which is a fallacy. If you lose control, it could be a chemical imbalance or insulin resistance. Don’t trust a hopeful-sounding false diet guru. Trust your logical instincts.

Follow a colorful diet plan like the Mediterranean, DASH, or Volumetrics plan. Research and read sensible dietitians or nutritionists. Start with small goals. Soon you’ll feel empowered to succeed.

If # 12: food is extremely important in your life or #16: you prefer chicken over steak:

Most likely inquisitive, you’d rather create meals at home. You believe chicken has even more recipe creativity than beef. You must understand what food labels mean and search out flavorful recipes that are healthy.

Anything is fine in moderation but if you lose control, you regret it the next day. Additional exercise is your payback.  There are so many recipes on the internet

Restaurants are your downfall. If you frequent restaurants, don’t arrive hungry and lose control. Compromise. Have a peppermint about a half hour before you arrive, it reduces your hunger. Mentally decide before you go, that you’ll eat half and bring the rest home.

Don’t ever tell yourself, “Well, it’s my life, I can eat what I want!” And then what? If you develop an illness, it affects those around you. Do you love food more than your children? They’d suffer if you became ill. Think of the consequences before you act irrationally.

Are you #17: preferring potatoes at every meal or #18: salty snacks, potato chips, or pretzels?

Well, first, you probably are a man. No offense, men usually prefer crunchy and women, sweets – but not always. Do you select French fries or potato options as a side instead of rice, quinoa, or couscous?

At parties, this personality isn’t tempted by sweets but by salty selections: cheese dips, salsa, chips, egg rolls, etc.

If you sometimes crave crunchy items, it could indicate that you are angry, stressed, or frustrated and psychologically need something to take it out on!

Ensure that you drink plenty of water to regulate your blood pressure. Salt reduces blood vessels. Weakened blood vessels and stress is an open invitation to a heart attack or stroke. Release that frustration through fresh air, exercise, calming music, or an aerobic workout. Don’t allow emotions to conquer your self-discipline.

I hope you’ve found that this series answered questions about why you eat as you do. Now run the race and press onward toward your healthy goal!

 “I run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding.”  (Psalm 119:32)

The Personality Evaluation Answers – Part Two

On January 3rd, I sent out a Personality Evaluation regarding the correlation of our personalities to food. It addressed some of the mental and physiological reasons as to what provokes us to eat as we do.  The first part of the questions were addressed on January 8th. Below is a continuation of that post.

Q. #5   I prefer to be alone and  Q.#13  Raw salad is one of my favorite meals.         

There’s a difference between being alone and lonely. It’s difficult to be on a healthy regimen when you cook for one person. Packaged food in the freezer section of the grocery store tends to contain chemical preservatives and salt.

Try this: Dedicate one day to slow-cook a roast, create pasta sauce, hard-boil some eggs, or cook an entire chicken. Then plan daily meals for the week ahead. It doesn’t take long to grill up some vegetables, create a small or Chef’s salad, or microwave a sweet potato. You’ll be consuming nutrients, not chemicals.

Ensure you get nutrients into your daily routine. In today’s world, there are several healthy meal service plans available. But check out the labels and choose those that have low sodium and chemical content.

Do you enjoy cooking? Don’t know how to boil water? Own an air fryer? Join or watch a cooking club TV show that specializes in healthy living. Go to the library and find healthy recipe cookbooks.

Q. #7  Sometimes my personality tends to be anxious, irritable, jittery? Or #14 I often get hungry between meals

Or even lethargic?  Too much sugar provides an insulin rush and then drops you flat. You’ll drag yourself around for the day, not quite feeling yourself or mentally “out-of-it.”

If you haven’t cut down on sugar, caffeine, or energy drinks, get off them slowly. Your pH is most likely on the acidic side. That is an open invitation to cancers and other illnesses.

One of my patients drank 30 cups of coffee daily. Her pH was extremely acidic because she was washing away valuable nutrients. It took months, but she gradually got down to only two cups.

Artificial stimulants like energy drinks jumpstart your metabolism but your brain believes you’re ill. Your body metabolism will slow in defense. To protect you, it instinctively stores fat to survive any upcoming illnesses.

Increase leafy greens and other fibrous fruits (apples, berries) and vegetables(avocados, broccoli, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes) in your diet. This will increase your pH to the alkaline side, creating a calmer and healthier attitude.

You actually might need more food if you get hungry during the day. But you must ask yourself, “Am I really hungry or just bored, provoked by a feeling, or a TV advertisement?”

Add a bit more protein which takes longer to break down (2-4 hours) in your bloodstream. Increase your intake of B vitamins which calm the body and mind. A 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with fruit or a small banana shake with 1% milk, ice, and cinnamon or dash of nutmeg.

Add good fats to your diet like avocados, walnuts, peanut butter, or olive oil to your body which satiates and lasts 5-7 hours in your digestive system. Good carbs are sweet potatoes, broccoli, apples, beans, oatmeal, and any fibrous fruit or vegetable. A bit of peanut butter or cheese on a whole grain cracker, popcorn, or fibrous fruit will last about 2-3 hours in your system. By doing this you overcome reaching for a donut or candy bar for quick energy.

“Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me.” (Psalm 27:11)

Always strive for healthier living!

The Dietary Personality Test – Results Part One

As I began writing, my response became so long, I needed to break up one post into several.

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” (Colossians 3:17) NLT

So pull up the questionnaire from January 3rd and we’ll begin: 

Q. #1  I’ve already been on at least five diet plans  and #8 “I feel deprived on a diet”

You’ve  attempted a merry-go-round of diets. Do you lose weight but it always comes back? You’ll take every friend’s advice, read magazine articles, follow celebrities who have been successful, but wonder why you’re not?

Remember those celebrities have dietitans, fitness trainers,personal chefs, and monetary incentives. And yet, even celebrities gain their weight back. Why? Because success is personal, it begins from within. God designed you uniquely.

Are you searching for a quick fix? Are you always hopeful that you’ll find the Golden Ring on that caruosel, and once found, be set for life?

There is no quick fix. Staying healthy takes work! The only way you’ll be successful is by consuming a diet that will last a lifetime. One that includes every food group and a variety of nutrients. I recommend the basic Mediterranean, Dash, or Volumetrics diet.

Perk up your dietary knowledge by studying physiology. Every nutrient you eat has a purpose to sustain health. Nutrients are the chemicals that keep your body functioning at its best potential. Discover the “why” behind the science of nutrition. You’ll feel empowered!

Keep a journal as to where, why, how you’re feeling, and what you are eating. It might all boil down to emotional attachments to food.

Q. #2  I lead a hectic, busy life and  #9 I prefer structure in my diet plans.

Realtors, teachers, emergency and safety officers, hospital and office workers, find it hard to fit mealtime into their schedule. These types usually need a low maintenace diet plan. One that is simple and organized to fit their lifestyle.

Regimented diet plans like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or Nutrisystem would work (with a dose of fitness club after work to relax.) I say that only because these personalities would grab a donut, burger or skip meals if they were needed elsewhere. Please don’t sacrifice health for your company.

Q. #3  I’m a curious person  and  #6  I like making my own decisions.

Congratulations, you’re very trainable, but for heaven’s sake, stay away from Buffets!!! Curious people want to know what everything tastes like.

Worse, if poor growing up, are members of the “Clean Your Plate” club!  At best, place only a variety of items you’d like to sample on a small plate and savor them slowly. Find something to do with your hands. Hold onto seltzer water.

Curious people usually enjoys researching. Discover how unhealthy foods affect pH bodily function,your heart, bones, digestion, etc. Anything’s fine in moderation but eat for nutrients because they’ll satisfy faster. They like color – so eat a variety of colorful foods. A Mediterranean type diet is for you.

Q. #4  I’m very social and # 15  I tend to crave sweet snacks  or   

Social people are “pleasers.” Life of the party people.

Parties are your downfall. Every appetizer and fancy drink call your name. You might lose your resolve after a couple of drinks. Better yet, get away from the food location and spend time with friends discussing your favorite sports team or politics – that’ll ruin your appetite!

Ask a dietitian or nutritional counselor to counsel you on how emotions affect eating habits and practice other ways to socialize without eating or drinking.

You might try a church-run, activity center health program, or Overeaters Anonymous where socialization is normal. These programs usually offer low-cost solutions using “normal” recipes with nutrients, herbs and flavor. A support system with accountability is important! Find one and reach goals together.

This is a start. It’s not easy but begin with small steps. You can do this!

Personality is covered in detail in my healthy-living book, “Life’s Too Short to Eat Bad Cheese” – available on in ebook  and paperback form.

Does Personality Affect Weight Loss?

Yes! And most importantly,  personality affects how each of us should approach a diet plan that will work for us. Remember “diet” isn’t a magic formula – it’s only what we eat each day. We’re all on diets.

However this time of year, diets take on a different characteristic with legalistic plans and complicated formulas. Mentality this doesn’t work because it doesn’t get to the heart of the problem. Dieters will invest a lot of money in weight loss plans without recognizing how their personality affects details.

With our individualized emotional/physiological/chemical structure, it is impossible to lump each of us into one specific weight loss program.


Some people crave structured menus/packaged foods, while others want more independence to make their own choices. Some need education or encouragement daily, while others want to be well-trained and not micromanaged.

One Truth is known regarding our bodies; Scripture states: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.”    (1 Corinthians 10:31) (HCSB)

God wants us to eat sensibly, not destroy our holy temple. A diet plan shouldn’t detrimentally affect someone’s health, but many do.  For example, a diabetic needs a specific routine and lots of fibrous vegetables and whole grains. So does someone with medical condition like high cholesterol, kidney, or heart disease. Don’t play Russian roulette with your life! That’s what Satan wants.

In any diet plan, consult with your doctor, dietician, or nutritionist about your physiology and medical stats. Then try sensible solutions based only on the variance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. NEVER try dangerous diet pills, one that cuts out an entire food group, or harmful chemicals that promise a quick fix but can’t deliver for a life time.

I hope you’ll agree that each of us is diverse. Even identical twins, have a different personality and chemical makeup.

Today, I urge you to recognize and understand what type of personality you have. Of course you probably are a combination of all these below, that’s a given. But write down any numbers that describe you after reading.

Over the next few posts, we’ll break down what each trait means to you. I’ll also provide common sense solutions that uses that new-found knowledge. I’m confident if you apply this knowledge you’ll begin a successful venture, regaining your confidence and power, for only you with the Lord’s Strength, can.

Have fun taking the following test and potentially discover something new about yourself.

Personality:  (Check the yes’s)

  1. I’ve already been on at least five diet plans
  2. I lead a very busy life
  3. I’m a curious person
  4. I’m very social
  5. I prefer to be alone
  6. I like making my own decisions
  7. Sometimes my personality tends to be anxious, irritable, jittery
  8. I feel deprived on a diet
  9. I’d prefer structure in my diet plans
  10. I am very thrifty
  11. I’m very regimented/organized
  12. Food is extremely important in my life
  13. Raw salad is one of my favorite meals
  14. I often get hungry between meals
  15. I tend to crave sweet snacks
  16. I prefer chicken over steak
  17. I could enjoy eating potatoes at every meal.
  18. I prefer salty snacks like potato chips, popcorn, or pretzels

Isn’t it amazing how God knows us completely . . . our individual good and bad points in spite of how many humans have lived on earth? Amazing!

Strive to live for excellence!

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)

Discover and we’ll discuss what ‘type’ of dieter you are.  Curious? Stay tuned.

It’s That Time of Year Again: Resolutions

How many times have you heard, “I’d do anything to lose weight!!!” Well, this is the time of year when many people do.

With good intentions, they’ll buy prepackaged meals, purchase all kinds of dietary gimmicks, sign up with weight loss companies, and even have their stomach stapled.

They might lose a few pounds but within the year, 65% regain their weight and 23% gain even more weight within 2 years.

Dieters frustratingly whine and wonder “why?” They’ll feel discouraged, then perhaps try something even crazier, or believe they have no willpower.

Of course you have willpower. That same willpower that keeps your mouth in control when supervisors anger you, is the same willpower you talk yourself into denying fattening, unhealthy food. So why do you fail?

As a Christian counselor specialing in nutrition, I encourage my patients to tackle your emotional attachment to food first. Figure out what the voids are in your life that only food with its specific chemicals fill.

If eating an entire bag of Oreos still leaves you unsatisfied, you have a ‘love hunger’ no food can compensate for. You must discover why food fills an emotional void because rolling the dice on every diet plan doesn’t discern the root cause.

Psalm 27:11, “Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me.”

The devil wants nothing more than to destroy your temple of the Holy Spirit. Don’t let him win. One Truth regarding our bodies, is that in all we do, it should be for the glory of God: 1 Corinthians 10:31.

With our individualized physiological/chemical structure, it is impossible to lump each of us into one specific weight loss program. In addition, our personality affects how each of us should approach a diet plan.

Some people crave structured menus/packaged foods, while others want more independence to make their own choices. Many need education or encouragement daily, while independents only want to be well trained and left alone.

Since everyone is unique, certain diet plans might work for one but not for another. Some do well on a low-fat, vegetable enriched Mediterranean plan for example, while others on the Atkins,  Zone, or South Beach Diet.

I’ve known some dieters, so adamant that theirs is the only way, the diet procures a cult status. I repeat: no one plan works for everyone.

If a diet plan doesn’t detrimentally affect someone’s health, then I look on it similarly to ‘non-essential liberties’ in Christian doctrines.  If it doesn’t affect our Salvation, why argue over something we’ll only discover as Truth in heaven?

I distinctly remember once discussing different diet plans with my patient, Edie. She had been on a myriad of popular fad diets. When I attempted to discourage her from implementing the Rice Diet because it wasn’t a good fit for either her  personality or physical needs, she blurted out angrily, “Oh NO, Ellie! THAT one worked for me! It worked for me three times!”  She failed to see the irony in that statement. A good diet is one that works forever, not one you go back to over and over again.

So what will work for you?

Tomorrow I will publish my Personality Test that allows you to question why you eat the way you do. That’s only the beginning. The following posts will present answers to those questions and help you succeed.

In the meantime, search out: Life’s too Short to Eat Bad Cheese: Nutritional and Life Lessons God Teaches Us.

It’s available as an ebook or a paperback on paperback addresses emotional and spiritual reasons why we eat.)


A Family’s Perfect Christmas Gift

It’s that time of year again. Parents and grandparents are scurrying around to find the perfect Christmas present for their loved ones. They’re tired, cranky, and it’s not much fun when they’re concerned the child won’t like it as much as they thought they would.

“What Christmas gift can I give to my children who seem to have everything?”

How about time? What price tag would you place on that gift of time? With more and more parents working several jobs to place the desires of their children’s hearts under the tree at Christmas, aren’t they missing out on what’s most important?

Christmas is supposed to be honoring the birth of Jesus, not accumulating the most presents. How much is it worth to enjoy each other’s company each Christmas? Would you be able to place a price tag on that?

Growing up extremely poor,  my favorite memories were creating handmade presents with my mom. That closeness was my most valuable gift.

I also remember being nine years old and creating a Christmas play with my younger sisters to present to the family on Christmas Eve. It didn’t cost a thing except time. That cherished evening has been carefully tucked away in my memory vault.

This year, why not make Christmas about togetherness and the New Year happily inspiring your children to become kinder and caring?

Many children are living in a challenging environment. They are fearful because they might be dealing with peer pressure, bullying, prejudices, punishment, or other perplexing issues. How can a loving parent help them deal with these personal issues in a non-condeming, productive way?

God’s Furry Messengers: Life Lessons Learned from Dogs, is the perfect family gift this Christmas.

Told through the eyes of an adorable family and their pets, the parent (or older sibling) pauses to ask pertinent questions which opens a dialogue. It’s an interactive way to address challenging topics today that you might not realize your child is facing.

God’s Furry Messengers is the tale of three dogs and the humans who lived with them. The Marshalls are a loving family consisting of a ten-year-old son named Alex, a seven-year-old daughter named Mattie, their mom Lydia, and their dad, Jim.

Sebastian the Wise, an older Cocker spaniel, is indeed very intelligent. God has endowed him with great wisdom, patience, and grace to teach other dogs to respect our Heavenly Master.

Jinx, a Lhasa apso, thinks she’s wise but instead is a wise guy. She’ll discover she has a great deal to learn at any age.

TJ is the new puppy in the household. He’s energetic, loving, and trusting, yet has so much to learn about this new world he lives in.

He has a heart for adventures which leads him into some troubling situations. Therefore, the T affectionately stands for “Trouble.” As he grows, he’s curious and questions everything. This can wear on the most patient of families and his two dog siblings.

In this turbulent world today, I believe this illustrated book is a sweet way to address a child’s understanding and unlock solutions to complicated problems they might deal with in their future.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Now back to Christmas: how many things does a family need? Aren’t people more important than presents? Isn’t the smile on a face more important than any gift itself? God’s Furry Messengers attempts to direct a young person’s thought patterns toward kindness and respect for others. So perhaps a loving, appreciative youth is the best present of all!

God’s Furry Messengers: Life Lessons Learned from Dogs is available on in paperback form for an affordable price. You can read a sample here.





Weighing Holiday Parties in the Balance

So you survived Thanksgiving while only gaining a pound. You breathe a sigh of relief until you remember you’ll be attending 16 more parties before Christmas. Then it’s football playoff parties and the Superbowl to contend with until Valentine’s Day. Oh goodie, no food challenges here, right? (I sarcastically ask in all Christian love.)

I know it seems like climbing Mt. Everest barefoot, but you can attend parties, enjoy them, and only gain a smidgin of weight.

Here are some suggestions to get you through “party season hell.”

The answer lies in your brain as well as your resolve.  Use common sense:

  • Don’t arrive hungry.
  • Remember you’re surrounded by friends who want you healthy.
  • Do your socializing away from the appetizer table.
  • Choose low alcoholic drinks or consume sparkling water.

Bring an appetizer you’d enjoy eating. Low fat appetizers needn’t taste like cardboard. Homemade salsa with red, green and/or yellow pepper, surrounded by baked tortilla chips on a colorful Christmas plate looks attractive and is low-fat!

  1. Create homemade spicy salsa using mango, peach, pineapple, black bean or corn. Salsa recipes are easy. Bake your own seasoned tortilla chips.
  2. Tapenades are very popular this year. Search for low-fat recipes and use crusty bread.
  3. Bring shrimp cocktail and create your own spicy cocktail sauce using lots of horseradish. Spicy foods increase metabolism.
  4. Hummus, a dip made with blended chick peas and lots of garlic makes a fabulous choice. Bring baked pita chips or veggies along for dipping.
  5. Create your own Chex mix with a variety of sodium free pretzels, dried fruit, popcorn, sunflower or pumpkin seeds and nuts.
  6. Bring Bruschetta topped with a spread of tomatoes, garlic, herbed cheeses, pesto or an olive mixture.
  7. There are many low-fat cheese brands; Laughing Cow, Sargento Light, Alpine Lace, Cabot. Use Triscuits or a high fiber cracker.
  8. Try baking pizza squares and top with ham, pineapple, banana or jalapeno peppers, mushrooms,  bell peppers, onions, black olives, etc.
  9. Create black or pinto bean dips. They are low in fat and high in fiber!  Add garlic and it’s a high antioxidant appetizer!
  10. Roasted garlic (bake with drizzled olive oil for 30 minutes) spreads smoothly over wonderful hearty wheat, French or Italian bread.
  11. Want to bake a spinach, artichoke dip? Spinach & artichokes contain no fat and use less fatty, 1-2% dairy products.
  12. Bake “buffalo bites” using chicken breast and place on holiday toothpicks.
  13. Bored with the typical veggie plate? Try seasoned roasted vegetables instead. Add a low-fat roasted garlic dip.
  14. Create your own fruit kabobs with whatever’s in season, pears, apples, bananas, pineapple and place on theme appropriate spears
  15. Set up a chocolate fondue display surrounded by cherries, strawberries, bananas, apples, marshmallows, graham crackers or vanilla wafers.
  16. Make a fruit tray and create the darkest chocolate dip you can. Dark chocolate contains magnesium, copper, potassium and antioxidants.

If you’re having a hard time resisting, use your visualization skills. Visualize that rich Velveeta Cheese coursing through your veins into your heart muscle, clogging your arteries, turning them into a nice golden sludge. (I know, I can really take the fun out of a party, can’t I?)

Remember whatever you eat, you’ll wear it. Before you consume it, ask yourself “Is this something I want to wear?” Probably not. If you withstand temptation, you’ll have reached another goal. Congratulations! You’ve replaced temptation with  positive accomplishments!

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

Building Willpower

It’s that time of year when culinary temptations abound. All your good intention go out the window. What are you supposed to do?

How can you keep your resolve to get healthier when culinary temptations arise until Valentine’s Day?

“Well, I’ll try,” you tell yourself. No! You either do or do not, as Yoda stated to Luke Skywalker, there is no try.

Build your willpower.

“But I have no willpower,” you whine.

This is stinkin’-thinkin’ once again. Of course you have willpower! That same willpower that prevents you from telling your boss, mother-in-law, or that rude sales clerk what you really think of him/her, is the same willpower you should tap into to prevent yourself from pigging out or losing control.

Think about it logically. There are only three things that happen in any situation:

  1. The event itself.
  2. The self talk, and
  3. The reaction

Let me give you an example.  Your co-worker asks if she can pick up something from a fast food restaurant on her way back to the office. 

That’s the event.

Now the self-talk: You go back and forth.  Gee, I brought some homemade soup with me today, but a burger sounds better.  I’ve been really good on my ‘diet’ plan lately. But I wanted to get into that little black dress before the reunion next week. 

Which do you want more, the burger or to feel triumphant when you see snooty Betty Bronkowski, and ask, “how do you like me now???” (Totally non-catty, of course.)

Finally,#3: reaction:  Whatever you choose, you own.  It is your decision, no one elses. Willpower is choosing to do the right thing, and you already know what is right. Talk yourself into success.

Tap into your visualization skills.  Imagine how you’ll feel walking into that class reunion, looking your best, most confident self.  For if you can lose weight, you can do anything, right?  Wouldn’t you rather feel confident and special everyday, not just for one night?

Make your goal a lifelong commitment. To live and feel great everyday!  Don’t give in to a fleeting moment’s temptation you’ll regret. You’re stronger than that!

Create positive actions throughout the day to bolster you.  Tell yourself, “I am a strong, competent person because I am a child of a very important King.” Memorize scripture verses to assist you, such as  Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” NIV

You were bought with a price by our Lord Jesus Christ. God stated that gluttony and lack of control is actually SIN. Did Jesus have to die for our out of control eating habits? For the sake of an entire Pepperidge Farm cake or bag of potato chips eaten in one sitting?  Seems a little crazy, but sin is sin and Jesus died for all sin, even gluttony.

Pray for wisdom and strength. He’ll provide a way for you to overcome temptation. Trust in I Cor. 10:13,  “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide  a way out so that you can stand up under it.”  

Think ahead and develop a strategy:

  1. Write down what you can do besides eat when you are tempted.
  2. Bring more flavorful, colorful lunches.
  3. Avoid bringing snacks into your home, which create a loss of control on your part.
  4. Peppermints can delay hunger.
  5. Walk twenty minutes in the park.

Develop personal choices and talk yourself into success!