Thank you for the Liebster Awards!


Thank you so much, His Perfect Timing (  for two Liebster awards. It’s an honor to receive these from this lovely, dedicated blogger. I urge you to please check out her many diverse blog postings from healthcare and book reviews to lifestyle posts. It’ll really keep you busy and enlightened!

So here are the rules:

The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:

1) Acknowledge the blog who nominated you for this award.
2) Answer 11 questions the blogger gave you.
3) Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4) Nominate 11 blogs.
5) Notify them.
6) Give them 11 questions to answer


How did you get started blogging?

A. I began this blog five years ago after I began to notice the many similarities of mental, physical and Spiritual health to food and godly living.

Where do you find your inspiration?

A. I found inspiration from Biblical illustrations, my husband’s sermons, my pets, my bookshelves as well as specific questions from followers regarding healthy living.

Have you learned any important lessons along the way? 

A. Those who focus on people rather than their Creator will always be disappointed. God gives us patience to not expect perfection from others. B. Many are hurting; searching for encouragement, validation and purpose in life. C. Words and integrity matter. If you say you’ll do something, keep your word

What is one thing you can share with others about blogging?

A. One can accumulate friendships from all over the world through blogging and I look forward to seeing these fellow Christians in Heaven where we’ll have eternity to get to know each other in person!

Have you found blogging to be profitable?  If so, what’s the secret?

A. Nope, my blog is a ministry and so are my books – although I would hope that those who promised their review, would keep their word. If they didn’t enjoy it, contact me privately.

How long did it take for you to develop your own unique style?

I didn’t realize I had a distinct style until a lady contacted me in Arizona for a seminar. She told me, “I googled, ‘Speaker, Christian, nutritionist . . .’ and congrats, you’re it!” When God moved us from AZ to Ohio, I spoke at her women’s group and we became instant friends going on 3 years now.

Who would you like to read your blog that isn’t reading it now?

Those who are attempting dangerous fad diets! Attempting to become healthier through crazy and illogical ways is not how God intended us to live.

How much time do you spend on your blog every week?

A.  Probably a good 10-12 hours by researching, composing, posting and reading/replying to follow up questions.

How long have you been blogging?

A.  5 years without missing a week – (it might be time to take a sabbatical)

Where do you see your blog in the future?

A. Hopefully continuing to motivate others.

What one word describes you?

A.  Enthusiastic


Okay, 1. I grew up on a poor NJ dairy farm where 2. I learned how to work hard and self-discipline at an early age. 3. Tough circumstances early in life, taught me to have gratitude for the good times. 4. I gave my heart to the Lord at age 14. 5. I’ve been married 48 years this month to the same guy who has been a military man, golf pro and now a pastor. 6. I find life is never boring! 7. I enjoyed change because I could get rid of the “old me” and morph into a butterfly. (Who asks for 11 facts??? Yikes) 8. My favorite place on Earth is Sorrento, Italy. 9. Have visited 39 countries and islands. 10. Lived in West Berlin Germany when it was divided and 11. Wherever I am, I am content in the Lord and NE Ohio is the best place yet!

Nominate between 5 to 11 other bloggers..

As someone who appreciates ALL my wonderful followers. I realize many have now created a “No Awards Zone Allowed” blog and I won’t offend them. Therefore, I am opening this award up to those who enjoy these and have the time to work on this project. It’s wonderful to discover more about those who write to me. Love you all!


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why

What author (alive or dead) would you invite for a dinner party?

Favorite book

Favorite movie

What colors are in your home

What is your best talent

What were you like in high school

What was your first car

What’s your ideal vacation

Name an item on your bucket list

Are you a dog or cat person



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