7 thoughts on “Strive For Positive Living

  1. Great post! I love this…now say two good things. I think complaining and negativity can be contagious and it really wears me out when I’m around someone who is never positive.


  2. Worse stage is the relapse. You reach that happy place and some how end up relapsing. Its so important to surround yourself with suportive people and celerate the smallest achievement. Helps you you move fw!!


  3. Love this post. I am all about positive energy. I don’t function too well around negativity. Philippians 4:13 one of my favourite bible verses. You have to believe in yourself and have faith in God. Actually, I just finished reading this quick simple book called “The Shark and the Goldfish: Positive Ways to Thrive During Waves of Change” by author Jon Gordon. I recommend this book to everyone because it discusses how to remain positive around negative people. It takes about 2 hours to read and leaves you with a life changing lesson. Thank you for your positivity. Keep it coming!!


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