Can The Body Distinguish Between Natural Sugars vs. Added Sugars?

There is so much confusion out there regarding sugar consumption. This is one of the most practical posts I’ve read on the subject of distinguishing the difference. In fact everything Frieda writes is worth checking out! Please do:

Let's Discuss Nutrition

selective focus photography of candies

The American diet is filled with too much sugar. It’s no wonder most Americans exceed the 50 grams recommended daily allowance. Many health and nutritional experts have brazenly referred to sugar as poison…and for a good reason. The excess consumption of sugar in the diet has been associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. 

Pick up any package at the grocery store and you’re likely to encounter ingredients such as corn syrup, cane sugar, molasses, etc. But there’s good news. By 2020 Nutrition Facts labels must reveal how much sugar in grams including the percentage Daily Value, on every package of food.

Are natural sugars better for us than added sugars? The answer is yes according to Dana Hunnes, a registered dietitian and adjunct assistant professor in the department of community health sciences at UCLA.

“If we eat a beet or if we eat…

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5 thoughts on “Can The Body Distinguish Between Natural Sugars vs. Added Sugars?

    • Chocolate contains and releases chemicals the spirit craves: that of love, peace, joy, contentment. (As well as a lot of antioxidants and good nutrients.) That’s the healthy part. It’s the fact of craving chocolate until one loses control and it becomes a god in one’s life that’s upsetting. I savor a bit of dark chocolate usually daily, as I hope you do too. 🙂 Love hearing from you! ❤

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