Morning Has Broken . .


So enough already, right? It’s great knowing that we should avoid all these crazy diet plans, but now what?  You are probably wondering, if I can’t follow the diets Ellie wrote about, then how am I supposed to eat?

thEOOZWF3UThat’s actually an easy  question to answer. We should eat like the well-run machine God created us to be. Are you ready and willing to follow God’s Will?

Tune in regularly to discover the correct way to eat and how to change your habits to good.





23 thoughts on “Morning Has Broken . .

  1. Good post. Thank you. My daughter keeps me supplied with her homemade granola for breakfast. She varies the fruits, nuts, pine nuts, etc. No added sugar. The fruits take care of the sweet. It’s delicious, crunchy and healthy with a little lactose-free milk added. Not only is it delicious, but as our parents used to say, it “sticks to your ribs.” It stays with me until lunch. sd


  2. Thanks so much for your “common sense” nutritional lifestyle tips. I watch so many people lose huge amounts of weight following fad diets, and then watch them gain it all back:-(

    The key for me is to always try to make the “wiser” choice each time I eat. Processed foods are no longer an option…I just choose to FEEL GOOD by eating real food! Not to say I never have a treat, however, those treats are selected with care, and not eaten as much as I may have in the past.

    Just like you, I would NEVER use aspartame of any sugar substitute. After research, I know the damage it does to the body; much the same effects as MSG. I used to have many symptoms that made me feel miserable all the time. Once I learned to eat natural, delicious foods, my symptoms all went away. I feel younger than I did 10-15 years ago.

    It’s funny, I just took the plunge and stopped adding sugar to my coffee a few months ago…guess what…I love it that way now! I recently thought I’d add some sugar for a treat, and I did not like it! I used to love chocolate bars…the really sweet and chemical laden popular bars. We started eating quality dark chocolate, a few squares per serving, and now I do not like the really sweet ones at all. Really interesting how our taste buds and minds work:-)

    Blessings to you,


    • Bernadette, you are so wise! “Selected with care” Love it!!! Everything you stated was so true. And I also would rather enjoy a small piece of great dark chocolate then a large commonly known candy bar. I also had a patient who used Splenda and wanted to know why she was having all these aches and pains like fibromyalgia? (She attributed it to age.) I suggested she try giving up the artificial sweeteners and the pain “strangely” went away. Thanks so much for your input, it is so appreciated! Blessings,


  3. I love this post and your blog! Your thinking approach to eating is refreshing. My desire is to be mindful of the things I eat so I can be healthy and energetic. So glad you are here to help. Have a blessed day!


  4. Oh, thank you so much Jill. Right back at you my dear friend! So happy to hear from you.

    God commands us in 1 Peter 1:16 to “be holy as I am Holy” and it’s hard to honor our bodily temple with processed, unhealthy foods! We should all desire to be New Creations, honoring God with all our mind, body and spirit. But when I quote John 3:30 about allowing me to decrease so He can increase . . . ” I don’t want my head to get bigger either, 🙂 so don’t fill me with too many compliments, ha!

    I so enjoy your blog as well and you and your husband, Sebastain have been used by the Lord to enrich Dave’s and my life in so many ways. I do hope you’ll comment a lot in the future too. Love and blessings across the miles,


  5. Busted! I have slipped back into the habit of never eating breakfast and just drinking coffee until my lunch hour. This will be a challenge for me, but I will pull out my new and unused cloth lunch bag throw in some healthy breakfast foods. My best successes at regaining my health and arriving at a healthy weight have been due to planning and exercising. Good word, thanks sister.


    • Ha, convicted but NOT condemned! 🙂 Oh Wendy, you have picked yourself up and gotten back onto the road of success time and time again and that’s commendable. So many give up after a brief time. You’ll never be a failure for look how far you’ve come! Keep going!

      I also usually don’t eat breakfast immediately after waking up but usually an hour later after I’ve had a cup of coffee when I know I’ll enjoy my food. It works for me so don’t feel you need to force food into your mouth upon arising either. I eat nutritious snacks and mini-meals throughout the day, so can you. Blessings,


  6. Great advice – printing out your instructions and working in a better balanced diet. What about those fiber bars like Fiber one? the carbs are decent and it is something to grab when I know I have not had enough fiber, but is that a good solution? (I don’t eat every day) I have yet to drink Metamucil – bought some but keep forgetting, I know not good excuse. But it says to take either 2 hrs before or after a meal, with my schedule that is difficult to do. Is Metamucil the way to go for extra fiber?


    • Patty, I’d highly recommend that you get your fiber from natural sources unless you really, really need it. Apples and fruits with skins are great, popcorn, so are starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and legumes.

      (In today’s world of processed foods there is so little fiber) I like Fiber One so far and feel unless it has too much sugar (must check it out more – some bars are like candy and some taste like dirt) But be sure to drink lots of water with all your foods to remain balanced once again. And also remember to chew to release enzymes in order to break up the nutrients in vegetables and fruits to disperse throughout the body for necessary functions. Hope this helps, blessings and keep asking questions, appreciate it.


      • Thank you Ellie, I did not realize that about pop corn – nor about the starchy veggies. And yes, I drink lots of water, and I was someone who never drank water – now it has become my to go to drink. I save my tea for special times during the day.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Great Post Ellie! And no, I don’t get tired of reading your post about avoiding crazy diets. It’s the opposite! They inspire me! 🙂 This one too. It’s funny to read this ’cause lately I’ve been struggling with my breakfast, so for sure there are some valuable tips in this post. You’ve noticed I haven’t post anything for a while. I really miss it and I hope to be back soon. Well, at least I’m doing my best staying a faithful follower, which is not difficult on WP with such lovely bloggers like you. 😉 Wishing you a wonderful and blessed weekend!


  8. Thanks for this. I must say I struggle to have breakfast in the mornings, mainly because of time constraints and not having things that are quick and healthy to eat. So, will often end up leaving the house with drinking a bottle of water! Grateful for tips on quick to go healthy breakfast foods (particularly for the cold winter mornings!) Thanks


    • The first step in change is to recognize that one needs to. So I’m glad you realize that it’s so important. You could also create your own trail mix to go or carry a “European” breakfast like a wholesome sandwich with you. Where there’s a will there’s a way – therefore, one must simply have the will to change for the better. Thank you for commenting, I appreciate you, blessings


    • That cees, Carry something you enjoy like homemade trail mix or even popcorn (which is healthier than Corn Flakes) Bring a small container of 1% milk or even chocolate milk with you for sustaining power. Always preplan which you can do the night before by placing a banana or apple by your car keys It is hard breaking a habit but hang in there, If you are hungry two hours later, that’s great – it means your metabolism is working, so feed it with small portions! Keep going!


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