A Grateful Thank You for Two Blogging Awards!


Thank you once again!  Michael from “Me and The Boss” nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award and four bloggers nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. What a blessing! I want you to know that it never grows old, knowing I am making a difference in someone’s life through  God’s words.

I wish to thank those who nominated me and urge you to check out their amazing blogs:

versatileblogger11[1]Thank for the nomination for The Versatile Blogger Award plus Very Inspiring Blogger Award; http://meandtheboss2013.wordpress.com. His inspirational, versatile and beautiful poetry touches hearts. His determination to  overcome personal challenges and live for our Lord through his wonderful heartfelt words and thoughtful commentary, shows how our amazing God changes lives!

Thank you also to those below for another Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

  •  http://fitbit8.wordpress.com   She is so inspiring herself with her self-discipline and health conscious outlook on life. She exemplifies the phrase, “Life is better lived well!”  She lives that and more!
  • http://blessedwiththunderthighs.com  What an inspirational role model! So disciplined! She can certainly speak about goal setting  because she lives what she preaches . . . yeah, I was that disciplined once.
  • http://thelifeofathinker.wordpress.com   who has been a faithful friend since I began this endeavor two weeks after he did.  So versatile, he’s always evolving with inspirational new ideas to make his site relevant! Excellent interviews too!

Proverbs 27:9  “The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.”

Here are the rules for both awards:

  • Display the logo on your blog
  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them, notifying  them of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

The 7 things about me, mmm, what shall I say this time? The best thing about life . . . is that it’s always changing!

  1. My favorite musical groups are The Eagles and ZZ TOP – I Can’t Tell You Why but She’s Got Legs!  
  2. Bookworm since 5, my favorite authors are Harper Lee, James Michener, Howard Fast and Jodi Picoult.
  3. My favorite little known chick-flick movie is “Men Don’t Leave.”  (Anyone ever hear of it?)
  4. Other favorite movie? Anything that’s psychologically well-written, like Finding Forrester or The Shawshank Redemption.
  5. My favorite phrase, “In Essentials Unity – in Non-essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.”
  6. I love to cook and have been doing so since I was 9, so my poor brother and sisters, (bless them) had to endure my experiments.
  7. If I could have had any other career in life, besides PR and nutritional counseling, it would have probably been as a screen writer.

Below are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award. 

  1. http://simplyssatea.wordpress.com
  2. http://plantingpotatoes.wordpress.com
  3. http://thepopcorngirls.com
  4. http://cookwithmolly.wordpress.com
  5. http://terry1954.wordpress.com
  6. http://lezoemusings.wordpress.com
  7. http://powerofpies.wordpress.com
  8. http://spoiled-fresh.com
  9. http://pennykeepingitreal.wordpress.com
  10. http://thelifeofathinker.wordpress.com
  11. http://fit-n-fancy.com
  12. http://cindyscountrymix.wordpress.com
  13. http://apronhead.wordpress.com
  14. http://cocoandtea.com
  15. http://saytheblessing.com

Here are my nominations for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

  1. http://hundredpercentchanceofchange.wordpress.com
  2. http://tryingweightloss.wordpress.com
  3. http://pokengrits.com
  4. http://cleanandgreennutrition.wordpress.com
  5. http://lifesearchforchrist.wordpress.com
  6. http://aavicenna.wordpress.com
  7. http://ajualuv.me
  8. http://rhapsodyofthoughts.wordpress.com
  9. http://reuelwilliamsstriving4more.wordpress.com
  10. http://ahaphazardlife.wordpress.com
  11. http://cherylmoore.wordpress.com
  12. http://patcegan.wordpress.com
  13. http://firefliesandblessings.wordpress.com
  14. http://ajourneyis1dayeachday.wordpress.com
  15. http://mylifelikeyours.wordpress.com

Please check out these fantastic blogs and you’ll be following them too!

14 thoughts on “A Grateful Thank You for Two Blogging Awards!

  1. Pingback: Blogging Awards | terry1954

  2. Thanks for making me famous through your blog 😀
    And I loved the facts about you! That’s so cool that you are interested in screenwriting, on top of all the knowledge you give us about nutrition and wellness!


    • Oh God knew what He was doing thank goodness and prevented that from happening or I would have been one mess, I’ll tell you. Theater and the stage was my addiction once in my life but the camera doesn’t like me, so my first college was a Televsion Production private one in Boston, hoping to go into writing. Man plans, God laughs – praise God He saved me. (LOVE Boston though!) Thanks for your comment my dear friend. When you win the Boston marathon you’ll be even more famous!!


  3. That’s wonderful that you’ve gotten nominated! Praise God that your blog is reaching more and more people, and receiving acknowledgement! I’m so happy for you! 🙂

    Aww shucks, thank you for the nomination! I feel very humbled and blessed.

    I have a question though about the rules… I’m just now getting used to WordPress and I really don’t know 15 bloggers, at least as of yet. How would I go about this?


  4. Wow! Thank you so much! Your blog has so much wonderful information and I’m looking forward to having down time to catch up on your posts. I am honored that you thought of me and wishing you so much abundance in your life. It’s a beautiful thing to share knowledge which I believe should be available to all free of charge! Namaste Queen!


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