Caution! The Silly Season for Weight Loss is About to Begin

Starting January 1,  75 % of the human race will be creating New Year Resolutions.  Of those, 80% will begin a “diet” trying to lose the crazy pounds they put on during the holidays. By the third week, only about 10% will still be on it.  Why do they quit?  Because they never got to the root of WHY they eat in the first place! A “quick fix” only masks the core problem.

Many years ago, as I was explaining those basic necessities for losing weight to a new patient:  consume smaller portions, slow down, exercise and drink water, she sat back in her chair, looked at me and stated discouragingly, “Oh Ellie, I know all that already.”

Well, I didn’t doubt it.  The average patient who came to see me had attempted at least six weight loss plans before coming into my office. With so much media coverage today from morning news shows, talk and cable health programs, magazines and infomercials, everyone seems to be an ‘expert’ in the field. Most people know what is required to lose weight but they fail to reach success.

When my new patient mentioned that statement above, something clicked inside my brain. If patients know ‘all that’ already, then why aren’t they following it? Immediately a Bible verse popped into my head:

James 2:19: “You believe in God? Good!  Even the demons believe that – and shudder.” 

The demons also had all this “head” knowledge and no “heart” knowledge, so it failed to change their actions as well. As I meditated on that verse, I thought how very much like those who say they ‘know’ Christ but do nothing with it. Knowing and doing are two different things! It is a matter of accepting Christ’s gift of salvation personally and doing something about it that evokes a changed behavior. For many know, but do nothing to practice their faith, anymore than they have  all this health knowledge and do anything to become healthy. Actions glorify the Lord, so like salvation, change must come from within! And that’s how New Creations Ministries began.

Discovering why people act as they do and producing a lifestyle change is what I enjoy most about being a nutritional counselor! Practical education, understanding why actions occur and motivating others to present their bodies as a living sacrifice before the Lord produces individual change.

Romans 12:1,2 1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spirituala act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Creating a habit usually takes at least three weeks. I’ll be posting more often in hope of encouraging you in your goal so please stay with me.  I’ll discuss such subjects as:

  • The best commercial diet programs available, (as well as false diet plans you should stay away from!)
  • Why Dieting is like the Westminster Dog Show
  • Why Craving Chocolate Isn’t a Personality Disorder
  • Creating Solomon Smarts for High Risk Situations
  • Conquering Nutritional Fads and Myths
  • How to Stay Motivated When No One Compliments Anymore
  • Accepting Oneself, Faults & All . . . and many more.

However, I want to address what challenges you. PLEASE let me know what restricts you (or a “friend”) from reaching health goals. I assure you, you are not alone.  And if I don’t know the answer immediately, I’ll research until I do.  We’re in this together; God, you and me. What a Support Group we are – with a team like ours we’re bound to be successful!!! Let’s get started . . .

12 thoughts on “Caution! The Silly Season for Weight Loss is About to Begin

  1. It’s very discouraging to realize how much weight I lost throughout my lifetime. I lost 30 mounds, then gained it back, 20 pounds, gained; 50 pounds, gained. I probably lost and gained 200 pounds. In 2010 I was proud of what I accomplished through Metabolic Research Center. I lost 50 pounds then and was back down to a decent weight although still overweight some. It was a lot of work. My life was stable then and I could focus on myself and my health. Now with stress of life in general, the changes in my family’s life and lifestyles of some, with my job focusing on those less fortunate and those going through problems with unemployment, pain, struggle, layoffs, etc., the weight is just too much. Life is dark. For the first time, I am not making a resolution to lose weight. That is the least of my worries now. My new year’s resolution is to focus on God and get into the word more. That is all. If that leads to more peace, contentment and as a result — weight loss, then so be it. But I’m tired of trying again and again. My hope now is not to gain any. I don’t want to grow out of my clothes.


    • You have your priorities straight my friend! Youre accepting yourself as you are which is a wonderful thoughtful person. That means more to God than weight.

      Okay, stop making resolutions to lose weight – make a resolution to get healthy! You don’t have to stress out about not being 105 lbs, that probably wouldn’t be you anyway. I’ve had healthy patients at 180 lbs due to bone structure and metabolism. Place 85% healthy items in your mouth daily and go for a 30 minute walk. Tell me when and I’ll be walking with you here in AZ.

      Stress adds weight. Read more humorous stories, movies and laugh more. If I remember right laughing burns up at least 15 calories. I’ll be posting a lot more so bear with me and hang in there! Begin with one day and soon it will be a week, then a month, then a year and you’ll still be healthy!


  2. As I read that previous comment, I realized that my “weight” problems are a physical manifestation of the “weight” I am carrying for my daughter’s problems, my client’s problems, and the sad news on the TV every day. I constantly have to remind myself of the fact that God carries the weight of the world on His shoulders and I need not carry it. Easier said than done, though, since I am a constant worrier and strive to make things better.


    • You have such a kind heart! You realize now that you internalize everything and probably want to fix it all if only you could. These are some of those moments when you must let go and let God take over. Just as He allows us to fail and experience hardships through our own making, so you must let go and let the circumstances fall where they lay knowing that God’s greater plan is far beyond our reasoning. Looking back haven’t you seen God’s blessing even after the hardships? It’s made you a stronger person.

      Take one challenge at a time and think, “What can I change?’ Then become proactive and just DO IT! If you can make the world a better place for one person, DO IT! That’s more than most people do. If you can’t, let it be according to His will.

      As a parent/spouse it was so hard to step aside and allow God to teach my children, husband the “errors” of their ways. But my goodness, what a relief to see how God worked in their lives without me nagging! Much better than I could. Only Trust HIm in ALL circumstances, that’s true faith. Hope this helped.

      See my post on Stress, October 15.


  3. Pingback: Caution! The Silly Season for Weight Loss is About to Begin « Bible Verses for Women

  4. If I may comment, Terri I too once was a worrier until I found this Scripture:
    ‘ Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.’
    1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
    When I read that verse everything changed for me. I prayed to God and released all my worries and cares to him, and realising that he cares so much for me that he would take all my worries away brought great relief. I no longer worry and I thank God every day for that wonderful freedom he has given me. Whenever I find myself starting to worry I recite this verse and give my worry to God. Worry is unproductive, so focus on God and on those things that we can change, let God take care of those things that are out of your control, let him carry your burdens. Pray, and pray some more.
    ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.’
    Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
    I know it’s hard not to worry about your children and others, but we are only ever in control of our selves, so in those situations we can only ever be a support to those people and pray that God is with them and know that God’s greater plan is one for good. Although times might be hard now, we can look forward with hope for a brighter future, for everything that happens is to prepare our way for greater things. We can see this in Jeremiah 29:10-14 (NLT):
    10 This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”
    If there is just one resolution you make this New Years, give your cares and worries to God. It may seem like a big deal at the time, but it is the best thing I have ever done, and the easiest. The only effort it took was to pray and ask God to take my worries, and he did! Praise The Lord. Happy New Year to you.

    (Sorry this was only meant to be a short comment, but now I think it has become my first blog for the year.)


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